1950S Essays

Jackson Pollock is a vivid American representative of abstract expressionism. When you are a critical person without abstract thinking, you will see a canvas with incomprehensible lines and colors, but if you look deep inside into his drawing, you’ll see all the breadth of his worldview.The abstract creativity of the …
1. Describe the role and status of women in the late 1940s and 1950sDuring the Second World War women took over the jobs vacated by the men leaving for the front. This gave women a new sense of independence previously denied to them. Because they had jobs they could spend …
For the duration of 1950-1960’s there was a lot of black civil unrest, in the need for civil rights. Black people wanted the right to vote to have equal job opportunities and pay because they worked equally as hard, they wanted the right to go to equally good schools as …
Segregation of schools is when coloured and white children were taught in separate schools. Desegregation of schools is when coloured and white children go to the same school together. In the 1950’s the southern states of America had segregation in schools and the black schools had poorer teaching qualities Black …
Since the 1950s, American women have emancipated themselves from the norms imposed upon them by a society that was somewhat conservative back then. The image of a typical woman of the 1950’s, and to a certain extent the 1960’s, would depict a proper and prim housewife who performed the typical …
From the 1950s to the 1960s, a lot of social changes transpired. People started to question the status quo and rebel against the majority. These reactions were brought forth by the public’s conservatism and embrace with consumerism. As a result various movements have emerged who openly voiced out their perceptions, …
Perhaps the most distressing attribute that binds the decades between 1920 and 1950 in America is the growing disillusionment in the overall zeitgeist. This common theme runs deep and is quite evident via literature and music from the period; furthermore, this estimation finds validation simply through the overall climate created …
After the conclusion of World War 2, which ended in 1945, Australia faced the growing threat of communism. Communism is social organization in which all the people in the community all properties and money is equally shared. The Australian government responded in many ways to the threat of communism during …
Introduction The term “Jazz” has become a common part of the American vernacular, both as a noun to describe a type of music and as a verb to describe something that is fancy or enhanced beyond the norm, such as a “jazzed up” car or even another piece of …
The 1950’s were the Happy Days for American’s because of the improvements in technology, cultural changes, booming economy, racial advancement, but also the baby boom. President Dwight Eisenhower who was elected in 1952 had a major impact on America’s economy. During his term he lowered taxes, but also managed to …
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