Revolution Essays

The German revolutions of 1848 had two main goals, to unify a German nation state and moderate liberalisation and demands for political reform. The revolutions failed to unify Germany due to the weaknesses of the revolutions itself (lack of support, leadership, money, etc.), the failure of the Frankfurt parliament and …
The Non-Fiction Historical Book 1776 By David McCullough is a historically accurate and in depth view of The American Revolution; starting from The Battle of Bunker Hill, Boston, Brooklyn, New York, Fort Washington, and ending its Analysis at the Battle of Trenton in 1776. There are many fascinating features, trends, …
As Ulysses Grant once said, “The right to revolution is an inherent one. When people are oppressed by their government, it is a natural right they enjoy to relieve themselves of the oppression, if they are strong enough, either by withdrawal from it, or by overthrowing it and substituting a …
Between the rise of the Qajar Dynasty and the end of the Constitutional Revolution, Iran went through drastic political, social, and economic changes. Brought on by several diverse forces, most specifically, internal turmoil and western influences contributed to Iran’s drastic changes throughout the Qajar Dynasty. Foundations of Qajar Iran In …
The Industrial revolution is considered one of the most studied historical event occurred during late 18th century and early 19th century. During these years, region witnessed various radical alteration in agriculture, mining, and transportation that overall impact cultural and socio-economic conditions in the United Kingdom. Subsequently, changes spread throughout Europe, …
Introduction The French Revolution, like any major event in the history of mankind was caused by an interwoven complex of factors, including social, political and economic reasons for the outbreak. As political causes that led to the Revolution were more “on the surface” and much more visible than the economic …
How does the physical geography of the Caribbean impact settlement and development of resources after the conquest? Caribbean is one of the most fertile areas of the world with a lot of agricultural potential. The initial colonization of the Caribbean region was led by the desire by colonialist to exploit …
Introduction Haiti revolution was a forerunner and a model for the anti-colonialism movements in many third world countries that came later. During the era of abolishment, there were several attempts by the African slaves to champion for their cause. One of such historical attempt was The Haitian Revolution between 1791 …
The American Revolutionary War (1775-1783) began as a civil war between the North American British colonies and Great Britain. This war began as a by-product of the American Revolution against Great Britain’s taxing. When other nations allied with the colonies, the civil war became an international war. During the Revolutionary …
The Place de la Concorde was designed by Jacques Ange Gabrie in 1763. It is the largest square in Paris. It is situated between the Tuileries and the Champs-Elysées. At first when it was designed, it was called Place Louis XV to honor the king. During the French Revolution, the …
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