Arthur Essays

Although countless books about the story of King Arthur have been written, Robert Leeson has managed to give us something new in his book, The Song of Arthur, something that definitely makes it worthwhile to enjoy Arthur’s story once again. The Song of Arthur is a collection of stories about …
Finding Truth in the Legends Surrounding the King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table There are many reasons to believe why the great King Arthur and his mighty knights of the round table were real men and not what fairy tales are made of. Throughout the centuries, men …
Sir Thomas Mallory wrote the story Le Morte d’Arthur, which is a story about medieval times and the day of King Arthur. From those times to the present day, a variety of stories have been crafted. Some examples of these stories (which also could be put in movie or television …
The contemporary stories of Morgan le Fay are based on Christianized versions found in the Medieval writings of the Vulgate and Malory. She is depicted as an evil and lusty enchantress who tricks her brother, good King Arthur, into an incestuous relationship with her, resulting in the unnatural birth of …
The poem opens with Perceval, whose mother has raised him apart from civilization in the forests of Wales. Since his father’s death, he continually encounters knights and realizes he wants to be one. Despite his mother’s objections, the boy heads to King Arthur’s court, where a young girl predicts greatness …
Was King Arthur a true, historical figure or only a hero of legend? That is truly up to each and every one of us to decide for ourselves. However, undoubtedly Arthur represents a man who was the epitome of good against evil, light against darkness, and that eternal, never-ending struggle …
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