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Philosophers Essays

Socrates on why Death is a Blessing

Plato’s Apology discusses the trial of a philosopher from Athens named Socrates. During the trial Socrates is accused of rejecting the gods of the city and creating his own, as well as corrupting the youth of Athens. He unsuccessfully attempts to persuade the jury of his innocence, and is bestowed …

Reflection on Socrates

“I trust what I say is right,” is only one of the wise remarks that Socrates makes. He is a very confident man, but he expresses his confidence in an ironic way by his intricate sentences and clever remarks. His trial is interesting because he hits key points: why he …

The History of the Greeks: Hellenic and Hellenistic

The Hellenic Age and the Hellenistic Age are the two main periods in Greek history. The Hellenic Age is significantly different from the Hellenistic Age. The Hellenic period saw the rising and falling of the polis while Hellenistic period was plagued by warfare among the remaining dynasties. Despite the differences …

Historical significance of Voltaire's 'Candide'

In his work, Candide, Voltaire uses satire as a means of conveying his opinions about many aspects of European society in the eighteenth century, a period known as the Enlightenment. This Age of Reason swept through Europe, offering differing views on science, religion, and politics. The following essay will outline …

A Rhetorical Analysis of "On Liberty" by John Stuart Mill

John Stuart Mill, an English philosopher and a political economist, had an important part in forming liberal thought in the 19th century. Mill published his best-known work, _On Liberty,_ in 1859. This foundational book discusses the concept of liberty. It talks about the nature and the limits of the power …

This is a essay about unicorns

Imagine yourself sitting in a field having a picnic, then, all of a sudden a big white horse comes up to you, but, then you notice the big horn coming out of its head and you know it is a Unicorn. Many people believe in suck a thing as a …

John Smith's "A Description of New England" and William Bradford's "Of Plymouth Plantation"

In the two literary works, “A Description of New England,” by John Smith and “Of Plymouth Plantation,” by William Bradford, the two authors represent New England differently. One way they represent New England differently is by the tone of how they tell their personal stories, varies noticeably. Both authors use …

Adolf Hitler to Machiavelli's "The Prince"

When Machiavelli wrote “The Prince” in the 1500’s, his intentions did not apply to the twentieth century. Some very important figures of the twentieth century used basic ideals from “The Prince” to obtain and maintain their position in power. One of these individuals was Adolf Hitler. Hitler used numerous Machiavellian …

Cinderella Archetypes

A repetitive pattern in many different literary stories is widely known to many but actually recognized by few. This type of pattern is referred to as an archetype. An archetype is a complex literary term that can be found and understood by examining literature. The first place that archetype can …

What did Plato contribute to Mathematics?

Plato was born in 428 B.C to Ariston, a descendent from early kings of Athens, and Perictione, a distant relative of the 6th century lawmaker Solon. He was a Greek philosopher. Throughout his life, in his Academy, he educated those who would become some of the most influential mathematicians and …

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