
Ever since the beginning of humanity as we know it, people have been trying to find reasonable and logical answers to some questions that have always troubled their minds and haunted their thoughts. These questions are considered philosophical questions, which brings us to focus on philosophy, a faculty of thoughts …
I think descarts was right about the only thing we can truly know is that we exist. All other thoughts, feelings, perseptinons and the like must be qustioned. Becuse we are human and to be human is to be falible. We can not assume that we are corect in our …
Rene Descartes is best known for his concept of distinguishing the person in relation to the thinking mind. The body was only an extension used by the mind to better facilitate existence in this realm. While Descartes is not the only philosopher that touted this concept, he used his concept …
Rene Descartes (1596-1650) was not only a philosopher but also a mathematician and scientist. As a philosopher, he used skepticism as a means of finding the truth of all. His idea was to doubt everything, and in doubting everything, anything that couldn’t be doubted was definite. “I will doubt everything …
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