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There Was a Child Went Forth poem

B essay
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There was a child went forth every day,

And the first objects she looked upon, that object she became,

And that object became part of her for the days or a certain part of day,

Or for many years or stretching cycles of years.

The roaring and screaming became part of this child’s life,

And the position that she played had to be done right,

And how other people were counting on her,

And how disappointed she was if she failed,

And that could only be playing a sport that she played since she was a young girl,

And what she does it had to be done right, because all this became part of her life.

The different aspects of the fields, how it feels, and how it represented something,

And the smell after every defeat and every lost became part of her,

And the anguish that came from her when she haven’t done right,

And the support that she needed wasn’t found sometimes,

And finally came her parents were everything would be alright,

And how it encouraged her to understand that it’s just a game,

And now she knows all she need is to have fun.

They told her it would be fine, to not worry if they lost,

They told her they needed a point, never felt the pressure that was put upon her,

The sports that she thought was devastating, were now just a simple understanding,

With the encouragement of her parents she understood what she wasn’t doing,

Always trying not to lose, but never tried to have the fun she seeks when she started,

And the concept of playing a sport is to have fun and do what you can do, because fun is were everything would be alright,

All this became part of her.

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