Students’ academic performance and challenges

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- Word count: 1229
- Category: Challenges Student
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Order Now“Truancy is a product of a combination of social, economic and attitudinal factors which invariably reflect in students’ academic performance and challenges the competence and resources of school counsellors”. (Animasahun, 2003). When a student come to school or to any institution there is a combination of deliberate acts and activities that have an effect on the behaviour and character of an individual student. Education in school is where the emotions and knowledge of students are transmitted.
It is mostly focused on the part of character development, behaviour and value orientation especially amongst our young youths of today. However, in recent times it had been visible that a change of behaviour and in character of youths are being reflected in the pattern of classroom behaviour. If unchecked, such behaviour may become a problem in the classroom learning environment. One of such behaviour is truancy among secondary school students. Truancy is not a new problem, but a problem that has been here over the last decade and had not been an issue as such as now.
Thus, in this assignment I would be looking at the topic – Student Truancy at Secondary School. The purpose of this assignment is to look at the causes of truancy and high rates of excused absences of students from school and also from their class. The following are the case studies which elaborates more on issues of truancy in school. Study 1 Truancy Among Public Secondary School Students – implication for counselling Ehindero Serifat Adefunke: Department of Educational Foundations and Counselling, Faculty of Education, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife.
Nigeria. In this case study the author had studied different schools to get the ideas as to why student played truancy in school and what were the main reasons for truancy and measures taken to distinguish the different levels of truancy. Relevant details had been added to the reading to make it more understandable as to what was the content of the journal. As indicated by the Journal, in this the investigation was evaluated in Nigeria to the commonness of truancy among secondary school students.
It decided the inclining elements to truancy. The examination conceived methods for checking the rate of truancy in secondary schools. It embraced overview plan in which secondary school students in Osun State which had one hundred and seventy-five (175) students from the 3 local states , were arbitrarily chosen. Ten secondary schools were chosen. The exploration likewise had Questionnaire on Truancy and was utilized to gather information for the investigation.
The investigation demonstrated that more male students were truant from school without authorization than female student. In this way, truancy was common however more among male students than female students. It was noticed that the students of age between 13-15 years committed truancy . According to the examination it was discovered that student related factor of peer pressure and school/instructor related factor were for the most part the components to students truancy.
It was in this way inferred truancy was pervasive in schools and it was related to understanding truancy and enhancing school offices and characteristics of direction and guiding administrations rendered to check truancy among school students. It was noted that the discoveries of the examination demonstrated that truancy was pervasive among government funded school students since students were not capable to answer teachers questions effectively and would feel embarrassed in front of other students.
Students had other related issues to truancy as they were not scholastically stable may likewise feel discouraged, have a tendency to have no confidence, less social abilities or estranged by their mates ,school disappointment, learning handicap and learning style could make students defenceless to truancy. Absence of transport to class was another reason that made truancy to be predominant among government funded school students. Poor students who didn’t have parental help were in danger to truancy.
It examined that students from poor homes missed school as they needed to search for different alternatives to meet the family needs, for example, administering to a more youthful kin or attempting to help the family salary amid school hours. Budgetary deficiency and related monetary issues inside the family could be another motivation to incline student truancy. Furthermore, another issue talked about was that students blamed educators for poor showing of strategies and they were not keen on learning in the class and were not liable to think.
Subsequently such students got behind in the school work which was referred to as an essential purpose behind truancy and more averse to go to classes where they had missed a few lessons and did not take after what was happening in the classroom. It was examined that poor learning condition, absence of introduction, absence of parental control from home, disparage, poor educating and absence of enthusiasm for a subject, dread of discipline make truancy more common among students.
The finding of this study exhibited that teachers/school factor was not through and through related to truancy however students would be truant from school probably because of their poor educational execution and the way they were managed by their instructors (fear of instructors) poor instructor student relationship. The probability of relationship could be another related factor to slant students to truancy. The condition was disturbed by the nonappearance of significant worth coordinating to help benefits in most assistant schools.
Measurement factors like age, sex and religion were found not to slant students to truancy. The consequences of this investigation recommend the requirement for incredible change in the administrations rendered by school . Despite the fact that few of these units are prepared to work successfully , there was a need to concentrate the consideration on conceivable effects and impacts on center variables which helped secondary school students.
Likewise, School advisors needed to team up with both the school expert and the heads of branch of various subjects to guarantee that educators utilize suitable strategies for instructing and utilization of interactive media innovations to make their showing charming and intriguing to their students. Along these lines both teacher related and student related components referred to by students and observed to be huge as inclining students to truancy.
At the end of the day, guiding was basically an individualization and training of the instruction procedure through intuitive engagements/discourse between the counsellor and counsellee in view of the uniqueness and one of a kind needs of the advisor. It was in this manner the duty of a counsellor to enable people to design, to get and get greatest advantage from instructive, social, professional and different sorts of experience which will empower students to find and create themselves, obtain important information, aptitudes, state of mind, qualities and intrigue that would empower them wind up noticeably subject of advancement.
Moreover, it was expressed counsellors required to embrace definite investigation of the socio-statistic elements of students and utilize their comprehension of such to enhance their advising of students to keep their powerlessness to truancy. A progression of mediation projects and exercises could be masterminded to re-orientate and restore potential truants among students.
Such projects and exercises could concentrate on conceivable and potential inclining factors as recognized in this study and used to construct and reinforce the expert limit of counsellors. Counsellors ought to likewise leave on serious mindfulness and esteem – introduction, illuminate students, educators and guardians on those inclining factors that could make students defenceless against truancy including an accentuation on the negative ramifications of truancy in students? scholastic learning and character advancement.