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Stress Reduction

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I Introduction

There are many ways to reduce stress and gain relaxation such as release tension physically and emotionally, visualization meditation for stress relief and maintain a healthy eating diet.

II Body

A One way to overcome this problem is by releasing tension physically and emotionally 1 Physical activity can be useful in reducing tension(Makin & Lindley, 1991) a Physiologically, it helps to use up the adrenalin created by the stress situation (Makin &Lindley, 1991) b Physical activity is important to keep our mental in good condition to cope with stress. i Bad condition of mental may lead to serious anxiety ii Walking, gardening, climbing the stairs, and etc. 2 Journaling can be helpful to reduce stress emotionally c It allows people to clarify their feeling, anger and thoughts d Writing is a form of therapy (Greene,p.66)

B Another way is by applying visualization meditation for stress relief 3 Imagining a scene in which you feel at peace (Robinson, 2013) e Try to imagine a happy moment whenever you feel tension and anxiety f Find a quiet and relax place to apply visualization iii Waterfall, beach, lake, garden

4 Applying meditation to improve concentration
g Practice yoga to reduce depression
iv Work best if you incorporate as many sensory details as possible- at least 3 senses v Can calming ourselves and
increase concentration. h Go for a therapy

vi Enjoy the relaxation moment-massage
vii After a therapy, you feel free to let go all tension

C One other way is to maintain a healthy eating diet
5 Consume food according to the food pyramid
i Eat more food containing protein as it will provide energy to us viii Protein satisfies hunger and also helps keep us mentally alert ix Foods that are especially effective are blueberries, salmon and almonds. (Dr. Manny, 2012) j Avoid junk food as it can make us depressed (Dr. Manny, 2012) x Junk food has poor nutritious content

xi It contains monosodium glutamate (MSG)
xii Eating food containing MSG may lead to headache and body fatigue 6 Try to avoid using food as a stress reducer
k A brisk walk might work instead of eating foods l If feel the need to eat, hard crunchy foods help relieve stress by putting jaws muscle to work

III Conclusion
Release tensions physically and emotionally, apply visualization meditation for stress relief as well as maintain a healthy eating diet is the ways to reduce stress and gain relaxation

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