Mental Essays

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) “PTSD is defined as a persistent and long-term change in thoughts or mood following actual or threatened exposure to death, serious injury, or sexual assault that leads to re- experiencing, functional impairment, physiologic stress reactions, and avoidance of thoughts …
Introduction Dissociative disorder is one of the most contentious mental disorders and is subject to intense cynicism. The literature ranges from passionate discourses recognizing it as a real psychiatric disorder to equally obsessive claims that it does not exist. The purpose of my paper is to discuss dissociation and its …
Once the honorable fighting Macbeth known by all, “What he hath lost honorable Macbeth hath won.” Act 1 Scene 2, Line 69, through different mental states chooses not to wear his armor because he is delusional by the witches prophecy that he is invincible, “none of woman born” can harm …
Since his birth on June 5th, 1932, Christy Brown had to dig himself out of a hole, using only his left foot. Faced with Cerebral Palsy as a baby, he was thought to be mentally challenged, and no doctor could do anything to help. His disability was the backbone of …
Abstract Post-Traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affects many different people in different ways. Along with post-traumatic stress disorder often comes a co-morbid aspect that patients see as coping mechanisms for the post-traumatic stress disorder that they know little about. Post-traumatic stress and alcohol/substance abuse addiction often find themselves closely related due …
“Mental health nurses must use skills and knowledge to facilitate therapeutic groups with people experiencing mental health problems and their families and carers.” (Nursing and Midwifery council, 2010a). Reflection is a skill that can be used to help nurses improve care by having a better understanding of their self and …
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