Suicide Essays

The film It’s Kind of a Funny Story is a coming of age feature, with a highly relatable plotline for teens. It centers around a teenage boy, who struggles with depression and thoughts of suicide. He feels mentally overwhelmed in his life between friends, family and school. One early morning …
Mental illness in teenagers is at an all time high with the percentage of youths having major depressive episodes rising from 11.93% to 12.63% in the past year, according to The National Alliance on Mental Illness. Not only has this number risen this past year, but has consistently been on …
Take a minute and think about this. At the top of your head, do you know what the significance of the phone number, “1-800-273-8255” is? I am sure you have seen it on tv commercials, billboards, websites, music videos and people even have the phone number tattooed on their bodies. …
The national suicide rate has risen steadily in recent decades, making suicide now one of the leading causes of death among young people, accounting for more than 1 in 6 deaths. Research has found a positive correlation between suicidal media depictions and the threats of suicidal behavior in those at …
I’ll never forget the morning I woke up to my mom telling me that I had lost my sweet friend. As you can imagine, I was speechless. The first thing that rushed to my head was, “ how…. A car crash?….An unspoken illness?” With tears in her eyes, she informed …
Suicide, mass shootings, substance abuse and behavioral problems appear on our schools at growing rates. People judge, criticize and place blame on the parents for the actions of their children. Often parents don’t have the tools to recognize the signs when it is time to take a stand and advocate …
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “suicide is the eighth leading cause of death of all U.S. residents, but it is the third leading cause of death among young people age 15 to 24.” (Aurthur, 2006). Researcher A.L. Rosenkrantz, described the teen years as a time …
In Gustave Flaubert’s Madame Bovary and Kate Chopin’s The Awakening the death scenes of both novels are one of the most essential scenes. There are, in these scenes many major similarities and differences. Both suicides arise from related circumstances. Emma from Madame Bovary, and Edna from The Awakening are two …
Durkheim’s 1897 theory on suicide was the leading and most dominant in sociology up until the 1960’s. Durkheim attempted to prove that sociology could provide an explanation for an act that seemed to be the opposite of what was considered ‘social’. Durkheim provided a scientific approach on suicide and his …
Tennyson and Sassoon both had different approaches to war. By studying their poems we discovered that Tennyson had never experienced war and was a normal poet. This maybe the reason why he had different views on war, and what actually happened during a war battle. Sassoon was an official war …
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