Vaccination Essays

INTRODUCTION: In this era where the world population is increasing exponentially, providing the best health care to all is questionable, not only due to accessibility but also due to affordability. Vaccination is considered to be the most efficient and cost-effective health intervention. However, the high cost of vaccination makes it …
Immunization has been knighted as the largest public health success in history; yet our children are still at risk. Many families are choosing to not vaccinate their children. This choice is putting everyone’s children in danger. I believe that immunizing your child should be mandatory. According to the National Library …
The first mention of a vaccination dates back to the year 1796. A man named Edward Jenner inoculated a thirteen-year-old boy with cowpox causing him to be immune to smallpox. A couple years later he tested it again with milkmaids who had previously caught cowpox; when he inoculated them with …
The advancement of science in modern history has allowed for creations of vaccinations for diseases which were fatal and contagious only decades ago. The success of eradicating disease through vaccinations allowed an opportunity for national governments to help play a role in creating a safer and healthier society for their …
Vaccination exemptions are a topic of great interest all across the media in the United States today. With certain states banning all forms of vaccination exemptions including those of religious means to the antivax movement, the entire country seems to what to put their thoughts into this debate. However, some …
Vaccinations or immunizations are medicines that are injected into someone to expose the body to germs to make the body immune to specific diseases. They accomplish this by stopping the germs before they have a chance to multiply and make someone sick (Starnbach 2007). Vaccinations were first developed by a …
Influenza, a respiratory illness affecting the throat, nose, and lungs,1 has been reported to send around 200,000 individuals to hospitals throughout the United States due to its symptoms.2 Its severity varies from case to case and its symptoms regularly include a fever, sore throat, cough, body aches, chills, fatigue, headache, …
Although the road to an effective vaccine candidate looks tortuous, there are some successful ways to prevent HIV aside from vaccination. Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) has shown to be effective in preventing HIV acquisition in New South Wales, leading to a decrease in the local epidemic (Grulich, et al 2018). Unfortunately, …
From time immemorial, diseases have been a source of fear and superstition. Throughout history we have seen pandemic diseases such as the Black Death in Middle Ages Europe and the Spanish Flu at the beginning of the 20th century (Scientific American, 2008). More recently we have seen HIV responsible for …
The MSN specialty track of Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) focuses on both preventative and maintenance healthcare for patients and families throughout their lifespan. One goal of the FNP is assisting patients in maintaining a healthy immune system that supports a person’s ability to protect themselves against disease. Over the years, …
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