Reasons of Vaccinations

- Pages: 8
- Word count: 1801
- Category: Illness Medicine Vaccination
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Order NowVaccinations or immunizations are medicines that are injected into someone to expose the body to
germs to make the body immune to specific diseases. They accomplish this by stopping
the germs before they have a chance to multiply and make someone sick (Starnbach
2007). Vaccinations were first developed by a medical student, Edward Jenner,
in 1796. A theory was spreading that if someone was infected with cowpox, they would be immune to smallpox. He decided to put
this theory to the test by performing an experiment. He collected fluid from a
cowpox sore on the hand of a dairymaid, Sarah Nelms, who had been infected with
cowpox from one of her master’s cows through a scratch on her hand. Jenner took
the fluid from her hand and put it on a scratch on the arm of James Phipps, an
8-year-old boy. After further exposures and vaccinations, the boy proved to be
immune to smallpox, and the vaccination proved to be successful (Brooks and Brooks 1983, 384). In
this day and age, Parents are refusing to vaccinate their children because they
believe they could harm their child or cause autism in their child. Although
vaccinations are thought of as being dangerous, vaccines should be required for
children because they protect children from dangerous diseases, they prevent the
spread of diseases to others, and they are safe and effective.
One reason vaccinations should be mandatory for children is because they protect them from several
deadly diseases. Some common childhood diseases are Diphtheria, Hepatitis B, Hib
disease, Mumps, Rubella, Rubeola, Pertussis, Polio, and Tetanus. A child who contracts
one of these diseases could face serious consequences, possibly even death. For
example, If a child contracts Diphtheria it can make them choke so badly that
they stop breathing. Diphtheria can also cause heart failure or pneumonia. Another
example is hepatitis B, which can cause meningitis and pneumonia. Likewise, Hib
disease also causes meningitis. Mumps is another serious disease which can
cause deafness, diabetes, meningitis, encephalitis (inflamed brain), and brain
damage. Another deadly disease is rubella which could cause serious problems
with pregnant women and babies. Rubella in a pregnant woman could cause a
miscarriage or birth defects in the baby. Another disease with serious side
effects is Rubeola, which can cause pneumonia, blindness, ear infections, deafness,
encephalitis, and brain damage. As well as Pertussis, which often causes
pneumonia, and could cause convulsions and brain damage. Tetanus is another
deadly disease which causes a high fever, convulsions, pain, and possibly
death. Another disease with serious effects is Polio, which often cripples children,
and sometimes even kills them. If a child contracts Polio, very little can be
done for them. (Floyd, Mimms and Yelding-Howard 1995).
These diseases are not something to take lightly. They come with serious side
effects that could either permanently affect a child’s life, or result in their
death. This is why vaccinations are so important for children to receive.
History is proof that vaccinations protect people from deadly diseases. According to the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention, “More than 15,000 Americans died from
diphtheria in 1921, before there was a vaccine. Only two cases of diphtheria
have been reported to CDC between 2004 and 2014” (2017). This statistic shows
the power of vaccinations; diphtheria went from 15,000 deaths in one year to
just two deaths within a span of ten years. This is no coincidence, this is the
result of vaccinations. The CDC also said, “An epidemic of rubella (German
measles) in 1964-65 infected 12½ million Americans, killed 2,000 babies, and caused
11,000 miscarriages. Since 2012, 15 cases of rubella were reported to CDC” (Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention 2017). Again, this is a massive drop in the
amount of deaths from this disease. German measles dropped from 12½ million
cases within one year, to just 15 cases within 5 years.
In addition to preventing diseases, vaccinations have controlled several diseases and even
eradicated some diseases. Smallpox was officially eliminated in 1977, after the
vaccination came into effect. As well as smallpox, polio is on the verge of eradication.
In 1988, there was approximately 350,000 cases of polio across the world. In
2005, this number decreased to 1,951 cases. In 2006, there were outbreaks in
only four countries, whereas there was outbreaks in 125 different countries in
1988 (Starnbach 2007). Without
vaccinations, we would still be battling Smallpox, and we would be dealing with
a lot more cases of Polio worldwide than we are currently. Experts are also
hopeful for the eradication of Guinea worm disease. Guinea worm has only had 30
reported cases in 2017, and these cases have only been reported from only two
countries. Some further diseases that the Carter Task Force for Disease
Eradication listed for possible eradication are lymphatic filariasis, measles,
mumps, rubella, and pork tapeworm ( 2018). As more
vaccinations are created, it is possible diseases could continue being
eliminated from the earth. This will never be possible if parents stop
vaccinating their children.
Another reason child immunizations should be required is because they prevent the spread of diseases
to others. Certain diseases that people thought were no longer a threat are
reappearing due to the lack of vaccinations. Measles, for example, has been on
the rise since the anti-vaccination movement started. In 1989, there were
55,000 cases of measles reported in the United States. Out of this 55,000 there
were 136 deaths. This outbreak was due to low vaccination rates that year (Starnbach
2007). In 1974, the Japanese government suspended the pertussis vaccination
program. Five years later, there was a major pertussis epidemic. 13,000 people contracted
the disease and 41 people died because of the disease (Starnbach 2007). If they
had not suspended the vaccination program that probably would never have
occurred, and several lives would have been spared. Over 100 years ago, Thomas
Huxley, a biologist, when talking about one of his neighbors said “ If he is to
be allowed to let his children go unvaccinated, he might as well be allowed to
leave strychnine (poison) lozenges about in the way of mine” (Eisenburg and Eisenburg 1979, 191).
This quote still has truth to it 100 years later. Parents who allow their
children to go unvaccinated are not only risking the lives of their children,
but also the lives of the children around them.
Preventing the spread of diseases is becoming more of a challenge as “herd immunity” or
“community immunity” is rapidly disappearing. Vaccinations not only protect the
person receiving the vaccination, but also the community around them. The more
people who are vaccinated, the more safe the community will be from diseases (Starnbach
2007). According to Alive and Well: Decisions in Health, “Unless 85 percent of
susceptible persons are protected by immunization, there is risk of epidemic.
Thus the effort to achieve total immunization coverage is a major public thrust”
(Eisenburg and Eisenburg 1979, 191). With the percentage of people who vaccinate
their children rapidly dropping due to the antivaccine movement, more children
are at risk of catching diseases. This also means that the diseases which
people thought were already under control have a chance of coming back, and the
children who are unvaccinated will be at the most risk as herd immunity
disappears (Starnbach 2007). The Center for Disease Control (CDC) warns, with
international travel growing in popularity, even if a certain disease is uncommon
in your country, it might be common in another country. If someone travels to
another country and brings back a disease, someone who is unvaccinated will be
at more risk of getting that disease ( 2017). If a parent skips
out on a certain vaccination because that disease is uncommon, they risk their
child contracting the disease from a frequent traveler. Skipping out on
vaccinating children could potentially harm the entire community around them.
The final reason vaccinations should be required is because they are safe and effective. It is believed that
vaccinations are the cause for autism. This theory began after an experiment
performed by a man named Andrew Wakefield. He did a research project on twelve
children who have received their mumps, measles, and rubella (MMR) vaccination.
He said that nine out of the twelve had autism, and proclaimed this was because
of the MMR vaccination. They later found out that these were fraudulent results
and the evidence was not accurate. Even if the evidence had been accurate, that
was much too small a sample size to use as evidence. There have been several
other studies done that were inspired by Wakefield and so far none of these
have successfully found a scientific link between vaccinations and autism. In
fact, several of these studies have actually been debunked by scientific
research (Foster and Ortiz 2017). If vaccinations are the cause for autism,
then there would be more cases of vaccinated children with autism then non-vaccinated
children, which there is no scientific evidence of this pattern being true
(Foster and Ortiz 2017). Several recent studies provide evidence that children
have symptoms of autism in while still in the uterus, way before they are
vaccinated with the MMR vaccination ( 2017). If a parent’s
reason for letting their children go unvaccinated is because they fear their
child will become autistic, they need to realize there has been no scientific
evidence proving this to be true.
Although parents believe vaccinations are dangerous, skipping vaccinations comes with much more
risk than the risk that comes with receiving them. According to, there is less than 1 in 1 million cases of someone actually
getting symptoms from a vaccination. Out of those cases, there is only one
recorded case of a vaccination causing a disease. It was a Oral Polio Vaccine
(OPV) and this vaccine is no longer used in the United States. The other cases
of getting symptoms from a vaccination were just a immune response, not the
actual disease itself ( 2017). Some people believe they would be safer with
natural immunity. Natural immunity may work well in some cases, but it’s not
worth the risk. For example, if you were to try gaining immunity from measles
by getting the disease, there would be a 1 in 500 chance of dying from the
disease. Whereas, the chance of facing an allergic reaction from the MMR
vaccination is less than one in one million ( 2017). The choice
is either a 1 in 1 million chance of contracting symptoms from a vaccination,
or a 1 in 500 chance of death from actually contracting the disease. The 1 in 1
million chance comes with less risk, also the consequence is symptoms, whereas with the 1 in 500 chance, the consequence is
death. Parents are concerned that vaccinations will harm their children more than they will help, and that
vaccinations just aren’t worth the risk. Parents can ease their minds because
vaccinations have been successfully used on children for decades. The safety
and effectiveness of vaccinations are extensively tested before ever being used
on a child (Rettner 2017). They do not just come out with a new vaccination and
start using it on the general population. Vaccinations are tested and monitored
extensively to assure the safety of the children who receive them.
In conclusion, children should be required to receive vaccinations because they protect them from
deadly diseases, they prevent unvaccinated children from spreading diseases to
others, and they are proven to be safe and effective. The death rate from
diseases has significantly dropped since vaccinations were introduced. Parents
in this day and age, are risking their children’s lives through the
antivaccination movement. The antivaccination movement needs to end immediately
because if it continues the death rate will rise again, and diseases that were
nearly forgotten will return and cause an epidemic.