Organ Donation Essays

Somewhere, there is a boy. He is bright, energetic, intellectual human being and is loved by a great many. But he has needed a lung transplant for too long, and although his parents may have put him the organ waiting list, a compatible donation has not been able to reach …
The current trend in the world today is towards eugenics which may come in every aspect of life. For the societies want to improve and advance their standard of living, they really try their best to come up with a system which could make life easier for everyone. Among …
Imagine, that you or one of your best friends become very ill. There is a change that you or that person will survive, but than you or your friend have to undergo an organ transplantation. Of course you want this. There are some risks but the operation is not very …
1. 18444 Malaysians are waiting in the organ waiting list as for September 2014 census by Ministry of Health Malaysia while for actual organ donor only 446 people since 1976. Need I go further? 2. The numbers may mean nothing to you but the numbers showing that only 0.57% or …
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