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Persuasive Outline Speech

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I. (Attention getter) (Step 1)The United States is fallowing behind in its educational system. Even Third World countries have shown their educational system is better than ours.

A. According to the results of the TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study), The United States ranked 19th in America’s students need to raise their academic standards.

B. Tuition fees are on the rise. High tuition prices are no longer a problem only to the poor, but also to the middle-class and some upper-income families. It has been said that college tuition have increased at a faster rate than the cost of food, new house, new car, and even medical care (Mumper, 1996).

C. On a state level, California without knowing it has created segregated schools on an economic basis. What is going on that has caused this downfall in the educational system.

D. In this speech will touch some of the problems with our local educational system and then you can decide if you are getting your full education.

Transition: There are many facts to take into account for the poor education quality we have.



A Education prepares the student for the job market and the professional world, because other countries are better at preparing their students for higher education, America would do well to look at what these foreign nations are doing for their young scholars.

a. Singapore scored first in math and second in science on the TIMSS. (Website)

i. Singapore score 20%higher in math than the U.S

ii. Singapore scored 9% higher in science than the U.S

B. Faculty salary increase is one of the problems that lead to higher priced education.

a. Beginning in the 80s and into the 90s, faculty salaries were on a steady increase (Mumper, 1996).

b. Since Reputations of the colleges are based on the faculty, higher wages were used to attract qualified professors (Mumper, 1996).

1. (Expert Testimony) The higher faculty salaries there are, the easier it is for an institution to attract and retain high-quality faculty (Erhenberg, 2000)

2. Colleges, themselves, are a factor when it comes to the increase of college fees.

a. Most colleges act through the board of trustee and determine the tuition charges

themselves (Mumper, 1996).

B.) The rise in tuition fees affects college students greatly.

a. Low-income students are less likely to finish college because they are more afraid to take out loans to pay for their high priced education (Mumper, 1996)

1. (Statistic) Six months after they have left school, the student will then begin a monthly payment of $228 which will continue for ten years. When the loan is paid off, the student will have repaid more than $27,000 (Mumper, 1996).

b. For those who do get through college, they will do less well due to the repayments of loans.

C.) Not only are the college students suffering from the high tuition fees, but their families as well.

a. (Expert Testimony) Total cost of college paid by families in the 1980s rose to 49% compared to the percentage of 43% in the 1970s (Mumper, 1996)

1. Today, even with the help of federal and state government, the majority of college students share their debt with families (Mumper, 1996).

b. Paying with present earnings and personal savings are two ways that families help send their child through college, but as of recent study savings rate have declined.

C. The state of California and San Diego also has issues that affect the quality of education its students receive. “While states can no longer use the separate-but-equal gambit to confine black children to inferior schools, demographics can basically serve the same purpose, particularly in large cities. The economically depressed core of large urban school districts generally consists primarily of poor kids attending low-performing schools. That a disproportionate percentage of underachieving black students are stranded in poor schools is not surprising.”(Closing the Gap, Union Tribune)

1. In the state of California we have a greater amount of diversity and have not managed to become equally diverse in the schools. In the State of California about 70 % of the students are of minority descent. And over 70% of the teachers are of white ethnicity. (Ed-Data,Profiles and reports).

2. La Jolla High considered to be a high income community has a majority of students being 62% of white ethnicity and 1.7% African American. Morse High School is over 40% Filipino, while San Diego High is over 70% Hispanic. Show Chart (California Department of Education)

3. California has a high drop out rate. The county of San Diego has about 4,000 drop outs per year. The drop out rate in a year is 2.7% and 10.7% per 4 years. ( California Department of Education)

Transition: With these outrageous information on how United States has lowered test scores, tuition fees can affect so much aspect of our lives, and the local issues affecting us like drop-out rates and economic segregation we have to find a solution to relieve us of some financial burden.


A. Japanese schools are more disciplined than American schools.

a. “Omoiyari” is Japanese for, “to dedicate your thoughts and concerns for others in order to improve their well being.” This practice is taught in most Japanese schools. ( Tsuchida, 74)

b. Class participation is required, not optional (Tsuchida, 33). As an example in Japan, when a kindergarten teacher asks the whole class to contribute in a discussion, all the students must answer. If they don’t they have to stand until they give an appropriate response.

c. British public schools receive a fixed grant to maintain themselves.

i. 70% of public education funds come from the central government in London, this means there’s a standard for teacher salary nation wide ( Crowther, 138). For example, a British teacher would not move to another part of England and come to realize that he/she could earn more money working in another field. (Mosley, 138)

ii. Because British Teachers have a national salary, there is no need for them to cluster to one area of England where teachers are paid more. Thus, all English students receive the same quality of education.

B. You can help eliminate some of these problems by planning ahead.

1. Save up as a young teenager.

2. Have your parents open a savings for you.

3. Get involve with clubs that are against rises in tuition

1. Hold public rallies and marches.

C. As contributing members of society we need to put a stop to what is going on in our Local education system.

1. The best way to make a difference is to vote for an educational reform.

2. If you have kids send them to a school that could benefit from their ethnicity. That way students become more culturally educated.

3. Pressure the schools to have diversity in their teachers.

4. Encourage your children to get an education.



A. When the U.S enforces the values of education in society and in the individual, test scores will improve and American’s will be able to rival foreigners for technical jobs. The connection between education and national economy is education.

B. In the future, college students will have to work twice as hard as they do now to be able to pay for their education and other miscellaneous expenses.

C. Maybe in the future if the price for tuition continues to rise, America will suffer a huge dropout rate in education.

D. If we do not worry about our educational system. The children of tomorrow will not have same opportunities as everyone else.

V. ACTION (Step 5)

A. The average American can choose to be aware of this gap between education on the home front and abroad. That person can make a difference by becoming an example of good professionalism to their fellow workers.

B. To get more involve in stopping the high tuition fees you can visit this website http://www.nyprig.org/ .Or you can join the UCSD Coalition to Stop the Cuts

C. To have a greater affect in the education of your children you can vote on the Board of Education members. And join the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) of your kids’ school.

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