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My future plan is being a doctor

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What I need to focus on doing is being patient. Being patient is the #1 key that you have to focus on doing. If you have a patient that is trying to tell you what happened and you aren’t being patient then you wont have a response for your patient or you wont know what procedure you will have to take on the patient. I also have to focus on listening. I, personally am quick to getting my word across especially when I have a strong belief that I am right. I really need to focus on that because I honestly believe that if you have a hard time listening , especially when you want to be a doctor then I think that no job is a good job for you.

Another reason why I think that listening is because if one day you get promoted to a bigger and better position and you have to interview somebody and you aren’t listening then you cant set a recommendation for the applicant. Last but not least I will have to major in science and have four years of medical school so I can get my degree in medicine. If you don’t know what the human body is then how will you ever be a doctor! I love helping and I would love to be the first African American to discover the cure for cancer. I have to follow my dream of being a hero to people.

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