My Future Essays

I am allergic to honey. It gives me a headache. My future husband has to know this. That will bring him one step closer to being perfect. He must also have a head of full of hair and be a foot taller than myself. That really should not be a …
1. No late homework or classwork will be accepted. 2. If you are absent, you will be required to submit your classwork and or homework the following day. 3. All tests must be taken the day of the test. If you are absent, it will be given the next day. …
This part of my life…this part is all about trying to make the right choice for my future. The right choice so I can pursue my dream. I got a dream and this dream is to have a degree from an English university and have a career within the UN …
I am a person who is family-oriented. Being respectful and obedient to my parent’s do’s and don’ts. I am a self-discipline person and a role model of my brother. I serve my community as one of the youth leader. I am an active leader of Youth for Christ and some …
What I need to focus on doing is being patient. Being patient is the #1 key that you have to focus on doing. If you have a patient that is trying to tell you what happened and you aren’t being patient then you wont have a response for your patient …
Nowadays there so many different professions that one can be confused in choosing the perfect one for them. The development of certain branches of science and technology has led to the advancement of new skills. So, the profession that I want to dedicate my life to is a physician. The …
My name is Levan, I’m 23 years old. I was born in small city Dusheti, where i started learning. In 2000 I won the olympics in mathematics and I came to the school of physics and mathematics “Comarovi” in tbilisi, which I successfully graduated in 2005. I have obtained my …
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