Teaching Essays

The First Days of School: How to be an Effective Teacher was one of the best books I have read on being a successful as a teacher. This book provides a lot of guidance to new teachers, but the information presented is also useful for experienced teachers who need …
1. Background of the Study The Federal Government of the United States is trying its best to provide a very effective educational system. Part of the improvement is to provide education with highly qualified teachers. The highly qualified teachers’ requirement is part of the No Child Left Behind. …
Introduction The cinematic approach to the representation of the personal and professional lives of teachers through school films is maybe the means of expression of thoughts and feelings of teachers. By putting an expression to the relation of these cinematic films with daily teaching activities of teachers and the …
In the article “If I Were a Poor Black Kid” Gene Marks, the author, offers steps to solve the problem that black people face with education. He emphasizes that good grades, studying really hard, going to a good school and taking advantage of every learning opportunity is the key to …
Teaching English grammar can be difficult for the teacher and the students. It doesn’t have to be difficult or painful, however. English grammar can be taught using fun learning games and before knowing it your students will be more than willing. There has been a movement away from the traditional …
Young learners in the present generation may be considered to be more sophisticated in their ways of thinking and in receiving learning instructions, not because previous generations’ young learners were less intelligent or receptive, but rather, today’s young learners are exposed to more learning stimuli and are the beneficiaries …
Introduction Modern assessments are so numerous that it is extremely difficult to classify them closely. These assessments have as their primary function the measurement of the results or effects of instruction and learning. They are intended to test primarily classroom learning. Educators generally classify assessments into two general categories: formal …
Question 1: What are your expectations regarding what is acceptable behaviour for yourself, for the pupils in your school, and for the individual in society? My expectation of acceptable behaviour for the pupils in the school and society is basically an environment that has positive behaviour. Pupils treat themselves and …
Should morality be taught by the state or left solely to the discretion of the family? The arguments on both sides are quite strong. Early in America’s educational system (1849), the Massachusetts state legislature mandated they “would have its teachers inculcate the principles of sound morality in all of these …
Jim Fay stresses love and logic techniques that can be applied on students of different age groups. In 3rd grade classroom different strategies can be employed. First of all everyone expects self-respect and importance. The most important principle of love and logic is that teacher teaches in a logical way …
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