Promoting Positive Pupil Behaviour

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Order NowQuestion 1:
What are your expectations regarding what is acceptable behaviour for yourself, for the pupils in your school, and for the individual in society? My expectation of acceptable behaviour for the pupils in the school and society is basically an environment that has positive behaviour. Pupils treat themselves and others with respect at all time and treat all property with respect at all times. Where children work hard and try their best concentrate and comply with adult requests. Pupils are polite, and work in a co-operative manner. Where pupils are aware of danger and responsible for own actions, and are calm and collective.
Question 2
Who were your role models when you were younger? How do you think these early role models influenced your own behaviour? When i was younger my role models were my parents and teachers. These early role models influenced my own behaviour as these role models had all positive behaviour. Being younger i used copy there actions and mannerisms which is a socially acceptable behaviour. It creates a positive framework and realistic expectations for children.
Question 3
How could a teaching assistant model positive behaviour? As a teaching assistant I would model positive behaviour by creating a positive framework with realistic expectations for pupils behaviour. I would give consistant care and education to the pupils with clear rules and boundaries, with security and stability of a welcoming and structured environment. Giving the pupils positive motivation through praise, rewards and encouragement and a positive social interaction with my self and pupils and encouraging pupils self reliance , self confidence and positive self esteem. Encouraging in supporting pupils learning in a positive atmosphere which would make educating pupils more interesting and enjoyable not forgetting being polite and friendly and approachable.
Question 4
Explain why certain rules are necessary, e.g for safey. Rules are necessary in school for various reason such as safety. For example having a behaviour policy is important as it gives guidelines to all staff on how they should manage childrens behaviour in a consistant manner.
Its important to have rules so children have guidlines so that they have clear understanding of how to behave. Pupils should be aware of the boundaries so it helps to manage behaviour, so that they understand what is expected of them and to create a safe environment. The Rules should be written in a positive way eg. āI will walk quietly aroung schoolā rather than āDo not run in the schoolā pupils should be regularly reminded of them. Having rules should : –
* Make pupils and others feel safe
* Make a positive contribution
* Develop social and emotional skills
* Understand expectationsand limits.
Question 5
What are staff members general responsibilities for managing pupils behaviour? Staff are responsible of the behaviour of all pupils and not only those children that they have been assigned to. Adults must always act as a good role models for positive behaviour. Parents and pupils need to be told of the schools expectations of behaviour. The school rules and classroom rules need to be displayed and referred to. All pupils need to be encouraged to become self disciplined, and to be responsible for their own actions to develop their confidence and independence.
Staff need to ensure that pupils know the consequences of negative behaviour. Pupils need to understand that they can improve their behaviour and make a new start. Staff need to ensure that the work in the classrooms are according to individual ability. They need to monitor poor behaviour needs and make notes and dates in the social records. The Staff should inform parents at an early stage if any problems arise with their child.
Question 6
Summarise the role and responsibilities of the teaching assistant to managing pupils behaviour. The teaching assistant needs to recognise and respond promptly and appropriately to any anti-social behaviour, and must follow the schools policy. E.g. May need to remind pupils about the school/class rules or protect pupils and myself from harm when challenging behaviour in demonstrated by a pupil. As the teaching assistant I may need to report any problems in dealing with unacceptable and any challenging behaviour in the class.
I would need to identify and report any pupils un-characteristic behaviour patterns to the main class teacher. The Teaching assistants role in supporting the management of pupils behaviour, i would need to provide constructive feedback on the effectiveness of the behaviour strategies including the improvements and setbacks of the pupils with behaviour support plans. As a teaching assistant I may be asked to contribute to ideas for improvements for the behaviour management strategies.
Question 7:
What sorts of behaviour patterns might indicate problems such as child abuse, substance abuse or bullying? When and to whom should you report concerns relating to a pupil. Theres no single factor that causes a pupils unwanted behaviour, theres usually a combination of factors. By finding out the factors that make such behaviour more likely, adults working in the school can often avoid the additional factors that cause this unwanted behaviour.
Theres also some rare factors that cause negative behaviour patterns which include : Phychosis ā mental confusion, hallucination, delusions, regression, speech loss and hyperactivity. Austistic spectrum disorder ā speech loss and unusual speech patterns, isolations and withdrawal, intense dislike of environment change Attention deficit disorder ā biological condition that affects beviour and concentration. Behaviour patterns that show there may be problems include :
* Unusual aggressive behaviour towards people / property
* Regression, emotional outbursts/ wetting or soiling
* Defiance , refusing to comply with adult requests
* Lack of co-operation
* Attention seeking behaviour
* Passive and withdrawn
* Wandering around ā staring into space
* Repetitive behaviour, – sucking thumb etc
* Nervous and anxious
* Concentration lacking
* Refusing to eat and drink
* Change of appearance
* Rapid or acute increase in behavioural and emotional changes * Mood swings/ loss of confidence / anxiety
* Tiredness due to lack of sleep
* Sign of substance ā slurred speech , memory loss. Lack of co-ordination, lack of concentration
* Withdrawal from social contact/ change in eating habbits
Teaching assistant must follow the agreed schools policy for managing pupil behaviour. Would need to report any problems with unacceptable or challenging behaviour to the class teacher. Concerns of behaviour / discipline should be discussed with colleagues and other professionals but must remember confidentiality. Specialist advise or guidance or support may be required for the best possible approached to responding to pupils behavioural and emotional difficulties. Colleagues include ā class teacher/ key stage and year group co-ordinator/ SENCO/ head or deputy head teacher also ā health visitor / paediatrician / clinical psychologist / education psychologist / social worker / education welfare officer/ play and music therapist. Adults in the school have a legal duty to report serious concerns about a pupils welfare .
Question 8
Devise a system of reward for encouraging the pupils to demonstrate the targeted positive behaviour. If appropriate, possible sanctions for unwanted / unacceptable behaviour.
Gold Star System
Reasons for awarding a Gold Star:
1. Consistent effort/and improvement in the curriculum.
2. For raising own standards in relation to personal targets.
3. A piece of work which shows that exceptional effort has been made.
Gold Stars should be related to curriculum achievement
Each class may decide on how they record the childrenās Gold Stars. E.g. Individual recorded cards
– Class progress list
– In homework book if appropriate
The system of accumulating Gold Stars will be consistent throughout the school. 10 gold stars = Bronze medal and certificate
20 gold stars = Silver medal and certificate
30 gold stars = Gold medal and Headteacherās certificate
40 gold stars = Small glass trophy
50 gold stars = Medium stone trophy
60 gold stars = Large glass trophy and Headteacherās certificate 70 gold stars = Small silver cup
80 gold stars = Small gold cup
90 gold stars = Medium gold cup and Headteacherās certificate 100 gold stars = Large silver trophy
110 gold stars = Large gold trophy
120 gold stars = Book vouchers, box for gold medal and Headteacherās certificate All trophys will be awarded during the Friday assembly.
Reporting to parents
When 10 Gold Stars are achieved a certificate will be sent home informing the parents when the trophy will be presented in an assembly. The Nursery will verbal inform parents.
Responsibility Points
Reasons for awarding a responsibility point.
1. Contribution to group work e.g. cooperation, contributing ideas. 2. Showing respect for others both in the classroom and around school. 3. Contributing ideas to discussions Ā 4. Taking initiative.
Responsibility points are given towards a whole class reward of golden time where the children can select the activity they would like to do. These will be collected visually
Golden time can be removed from individual children if they have appeared in the red area for 2 days within one week, (See behaviour policy). If 3 good notes are received from the mid day supervisors these will correspond to 3 minutes golden time. Other Rewards
The majority of children respond to a simple telling off.
How below are the possible sanctions for unwanted and unacceptable behaviour :
ā¢ Losing a playtime or weekly golden time
ā¢ Being sent to work in another class for the rest of the session
ā¢ Being seated by themselves and being given little teacher attention
ā¢ Finishing work at playtime
ā¢ Being sent out of class to calm down
ā¢ Being sent to work in another class for a day or longer. We would let parents know as this is in effect an āinternal exclusionā
ā¢ Being taken to see the Headteacher, who may then contact parents;
ā¢ Withdrawal of privileges such as after school clubs, sitting on benches in assembly, football, trips.
For Disruption at Playtime
ā¢ Sitting out, on the wall
ā¢ Being sent in
ā¢ Informing parents
ā¢ Spending lunchtimes outside the offices for a period of time, working or sitting in silence
ā¢ Missing Friday playtime and sitting in the Headteacherās Office A notebook is kept during lunch play and childrenās names are recorded if they misbehave. If a childās name is in the book 3 times in a week then Friday playtime must be missed and the time spent in the Headteacherās Office If bad behaviour is repeated and there is little evidence that the child is responding then meetings will be arranged involving the class teacher, Headteacher and parents. In cases of extremely bad behaviour it will be exclusion from school: Exclude children from outings if this is where the problem lies.
Question 9
Outline Step By step approach to encourage the pupils to behave in more acceptable way. Remember to include appropriate rewards and sanction
Question 10
Devise an activity to encourage pupils to speak up about bullying e.g. story discussion, role play, drama or poster-making,. Aim & Rationale: Developing good relationships and respecting the differences between people. There are different types of teasing and bullying ensure children understand that bullying is wrong, and how to get help to deal with bullying. Encourage children to be able to speak up about bullying
Staff : To be carried out by group Teacher
| Time| Teaching and Learning|
Focus the Learning – Learning Objectives: Tell students what they will learn, how it relates to their experience.Write key vocabulary on the board.| | By the end of the lesson:All students must know what they should do if they see or experience behaviour which they think might be bullying.Children should be able to identify different behaviours which might be bullying.Some Children could identify different kinds of bullying and explain how they are different.| | | |
Begin the Learning – Starter: Present new information using Visual, Auditory and Kinaesthetic methods.| 10 mins| Circle time Get children to form pairs and continue working in these groupings for most of session. Make sure you are happy with the positioning of children in the circle at this point as it is relevant to your setting. Today we are going to talk about bullying. Who can tell me what bullying is? (take answers from the circle)Give the following answer; Bullying is when you do something that makes someone feel unhappy. When it is bullying, it happens lots of times. | Continue the Learning ā Activities: Main part of the lesson.
Provide a variety of challenging, differentiated tasks / activities, meeting the needs of all students and all abilities.Activity / Apply / ReviewNew activity / Apply / Review| 15 mins25 mins| Part 1- Circle ActivityUse scenario cards. Put the cards on the floor in the middle of the circle. We are going to work in pairs. I want each pair to pick one card. Think about what is happening in this picture. Do you think that it is bullying?Talk about this in your pair and then we will talk about it together. Give each pair a chance to talk about each of the scenarios and then ask them to feed back to the group. 1) What is happening? 2)
Can you make a face that shows me how the children in your picture feel? 3) Is it bullying?Give scenarios discuss if the below are nice comments, Is it bully?, how the Children are feeling if they treated like this or comment like these are made. 1) A boy sits on their table. They say that boys smell and is disgusting. 2) a girl taking off another girlās headscarf to see what is underneath. 3) one boy who is wearing a patka. 4) one girl saying that another girl is stupid, because she is dyslexic and canāt read.Part 2- At Desks work in pairs. Go back to your seats and draw a picture that shows what the child who is being bullied could do next.
Draw the next picture In a higher ability group ask the children to write one sentence underneath explaining how they would sort out this situation. In a lower ability group you may like to ask the students to write a few key words. | Supporting / Developing the Learning ā Differentiation:Where appropriate, identify students and the methods of support | | Students / Target groups likely to need support:| Students likely to need extension work:Tips for differentiation are given throughout the main exercises. | Celebrating the Learning – Plenary: Students demonstrate in some way what they have learned. Recognition of progress.
Refer back to Learning Objectives.| 10mins| Circle timeChildren to return to the carpet with their drawings. Go around the circle and ask the pairs to explain what they would do to sort out the situation they have been given. Make a list together on the board to tell us what we should do if we think bullying is happening. You should emphasise that the most important thing is to tell an adult. A suitable list might beā¦ * Tell an adult. * Go and find a friend to play with. * Explain to someone how you are feeling. * Join in with a different game. * Ask the person why they are doing what they are doing.
* Talk to people at home. * Say that you donāt like the way the other person is behaving. * Say that you donāt think thatās very kind. * Know that it is not your fault.| Management of Resources / Equipment:Identify which resources are to be used and how. Include the use of new technology and the use of other supporting adults.| | Scenario cards for the main exercise. You should also use your own ārulesā for circle time.Tables should be a blank piece of paper or suitable book space for the children to complete the second part of the main activity. Use Smart board for main activity. Children may ask lots of questions.
Teacher working with the group should circulate through the group and engage in active discussion with the children. Should children bring up a specific incident (particularly an unresolved incident) a separate member of staff should be available to take the child out of the circle to talk about what has happened. | Equal Opportunities & Social / Moral / Cultural considerationsIdentify any relevant aspects of the lesson which develop pupil understanding, skills and knowledge in these areas.| | Cards are used to teach about different kinds of bullying e.g. racist and homophobic. | Health and Safety ConsiderationsIdentify the major Health and Safety considerations and what needs to be done to ensure maximum safety.| | |
Activity develops and extends childrens social development and encourages them to speak up about bullying By group discussion and pair discussions it develops social skill, on whole this activity develops childrens confidence. Discussing bullying overall promotes positive behaviour, being independent by using self help skills (being able to deal with bullying) making a choice and understand right and wrong behaviour how we should treat other and others should treat us. Overall activity helps to communicate effectively, sharing resources and by the group discussions should understand needs and feelings of others