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Philosophy Essays

The Body/Soul Split is a Myth Created by Philosophers Such as Plato

The belief in life after death or of an immortal soul is not a new occurrence. Philosophers such as Plato, Aristotle and Hick have made attempts at explaining their views on the soul, as well as people like Dawkins, who argue that there is no such thing as the soul …

The Differing Notions of Power and Freedom Explored in the 'Gorgias'

What starts off as a discussion surrounding rhetoric, within the Gorgias, quickly but unsurprisingly transcends into a dialogue concerning the nature of virtuex of which the notions of freedom and power are intrinsically linked. Plato has the dialogue played out between Socrates and four others. Gorgias a famous Sophist and …

The Quest for Realism

Often considered the pinnacle of realism, Gustave Flaubert’s Madame Bovary strives to portray the life of Emma Bovary in a truly realistic fashion. In order to achieve this, Flaubert does several things, including giving the character Emma Bovary fanciful ideas about love and romance, which cause her overall unhappiness. Along …

Hume, Austen, and First Impressions

Rodney Delasanta discusses David Hume’s and Immanuel Kant’s studies of philosophy in his article, “Hume, Austen, and First Impressions.” Hume and Kant have destroyed philosophy, and human understanding in believing the truth. They both declare that man knows nothing about the truth; and they each explain human understanding. The world …

Plato's concept of the soul and It's relationship to the body

Plato’s concept of the body and soul can be linked to his theory of the cave in many ways. He thought of existence in terms of two levels. The body is like everything else physical; it is in a constant state of change and is never the same from one …

Plato's Theory of the Forms

The influence that Plato has had throughout the history of philosophy has been significant. Among other things, Plato is known for his exploration metaphysics and the theory of knowledge, many of his ideas influencing the mind frame of Western society. The basis of Plato’s philosophy is his theory of Ideas, …

Plato's use of the metaphor of the shadows in his Allegory of the Cave

Plato uses this Allegory of the caves in an effort to explain his theory of Forms. The Allegory of the cave is one of his three attempts to explain his all-important theory. Plato uses the Allegory of the cave to show the difference between belief and knowledge, i. e. , …

The key idea's about strengths of the design argument for the existence of God

The design argument is an argument that tries to demonstrate the existence of God as the explanation of the creation of this planet and all it’s purpose’s. The Teleological argument argues that the universe is being directed towards a telos, an end purpose, and the a posteriori evidence of an …

The German Nationalism

The popularity of the various forms of German Nationalism changed and developed greatly in the 100-year period. Similarly, there was much change in the classes in which they found support, and the demographics of Germany. Nationalism began as a cause mainly popular among the middle class and students. However, it …

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