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Philosophy Essays

A critical reaction to Edward Said's essay

Said has propelled the post-colonial/Orientalism approach to literary criticism into interesting places for the modern reader. Complicating the political approach and critical meanings that we the (non-other) reader takes from the novel about colonial history. Language is the active issue of reading and representation (that all readers must engage with) …

Kant's Ethics

Abortion and euthanasia are issues that each person has an opinion on and is widely discussed in religious and philosophical circles. New views and arguments are forever arising and put forward especially with new medical technology and research constantly extending the boundary of life and distancing death. In this essay …

Our Freedom to Make Ethical Choices is an Illusion

There is much debate that about whether we are free to make ethical decisions or that they are just illusions. Firstly philosophers have defined freedom as “The liberty of indifference is a genuine freedom to act according to independent choices that are not wholly determined by eternal constraints such as …

Introduction to Philosophy

Philosophy emerged from myth in 6Bc. Mythology is primly a religious answer concerning divinity & gods. The myths’ genre is a literary poetry prose type. A myth tells us why a thing came about. It is not there to give a historical experience but why did it happen. The myth …

The key features of Natural Moral Law and Virtue Ethics

Virtue Ethics is a character based ethical theory. This means that it looks at the virtue or moral character of the individual carrying out an action, rather than at ethical laws, or the consequences of particular actions. Rather than attempting to reason what should be considered ‘good’ or ‘bad’, virtue …

Consider The View That Humans Have no Free Will

The fact is we all act as if we have free will, regardless of what we say we believe about it, there are several factors to consider concerning this question, determinism, science, philosophical and theological ideas, compatibilism, moral nihilism etc. In this essay I shall consider whether humans do or …

The Strengths and Weaknesses of Natural Moral Law as a Definitive Ethical Theory

The strengths that can be ascribed to natural law are a product of its absolutist deontological view of morality. This is to say that it enables people to establish common rules in order to structure communities. This can be an attractive option in a society such as our, enduring a …

Give an account of Kants Ethical Theory

Kant was a philosopher born in the 16th Century. He developed a deontological, absolute and objective ethical theory focused on the idea of moral law. Kant’s theory uses practical reason and looks at the argument before deciding what to do about the situation. It is described as being a priori …

Historical and Future Development of Internet Addresses

The Internet can be considered as “a collection of interconnected networks that use the Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol suite” The Internet has its routes in experimental packet switching work which was conducted by the US Department of Defence Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA). The research and development accomplish …

How ICT is going to affect us in the future

In my opinion ICT is the most important tool to use in this world. Everyday people use it in work, travelling around the country, in schools, colleges, universities and many other uses. ICT has definitely advanced very quickly and soon we will have the latest technology in our homes such …

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