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Philosophy Essays

Ethical Issues in Erin Brockovich

There are several ethical issues both personal and professional in this movie. In their first meeting, Donna told Erin that PG&E had paid for doctors’ visits for the whole family. However, PG&E was not doing this just to be nice, as they would have the residents believe, they had an …

7 Great Virtues

The first virtue Ben Franklin wanted was “An Aversion to Tyranny”. The main idea of this to Ben is that he doesn’t like tyranny, which is power or control of one person. He didn’t like to be told what to do to and he also liked some control and therefore, …

Humanistic Theory vs. Social-Congnitive Theory

In this paper, I am going to compare and contrast the two personality theories humanistic and social-cognitive. These two theories are not generally paired up when comparing and contrasting personality theories because they are very different. I am going to compare and contrast these two because I find them the …

Absolute Moral Rules

One may believe that an absolute rule against killing humans is essential because killing is always evil and inhumane. Others believe that there are great exceptions to killing humans, such as self-defense, that need to be taken into account when making an absolute rule about killing humans. If someone tries …

Gattaca-the Rivalry of Brothers Vincent and Anton Freeman

Courage and Heroism: In Gattaca, courage and heroism is centralized around the rivalry of brothers Vincent and Anton Freeman. As Vincent’s name implies, he is a ‘free-man’, free to do and go whatever and wherever he wants or feels he need to, as long as he is willing to put …

Social Context of Our Country's Good

The political issues within OCG lie embedded within the text and even subtext. The majority of these political issues are due to the crime and punishment. The convicts were sent to Australia instead of being hanged in Britain. However these crimes may have been really petty compared to today’s society. …

Idealism vs Realism

Idealism in general refers to any philosophy that argues that reality is somehow dependent upon the mind rather than independent of it. More extreme versions will deny that the “world” even exists outside of our minds. Slight versions argue that our understanding of reality reflects the workings of our mind …

"Myth" by Russel T. Mccutcheon

In his article “Myth”, Russell T. McCutcheon offers many academic views on what myth is, but his own definition seems to stray far from popular thinking. McCutcheon seems to prefer the school of thought that sees myth not as extraordinary but as ordinary made extraordinary.(McCutcheon p200) He construes myth as …

Sample Essay

The use of sample essay is a good way to relax your nerves. The beginners who have some problems in addressing an essay find such narrative essay very useful. It is not at all difficult to get access such studied papers. The university and college archives are usually full of …

Dead Poet’s Society - Neil's Diary Entry - Reflective

Today was the day where I got to live my dream of acting. It was a magnificent feeling being on that stage and saying those lines and hearing the audience applause for me. Then seeing my father in the audience gave me hope that my dream could come true for …

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