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Philosophers Essays

Plato’s Theory of Soul and The Homunculus Problem

Plato’s theory of the soul and the Homunculus theory of human cognition are two distinct theories that both allude to the concept of a mind having smaller parts within it that are assigned to certain tasks and each responsible for the function of a certain cognitive capacity which, together, explain …

Socrates Is Not Guilty

In the book, Plato Republic, Socrates had a discussion with Thrasymachus and Glaucon about justice and unjustice. In this essay, I shall argue that Plato’s solution of the temptation of the ring is successful in a few ways. I will describe Thrasymachus and Glaucon’s idea about justice, and how Socrates …

The Importance of Ren in Maintaining Social Order

When Confucius taught his disciples, he apparently did not intend to start an intellectual “school” or movement, and although it is still a subject of debate whether to classify Confucianism as a religion or not, his followers regard him as a god. Aside from his other titles, he was named …

Willie Loman and Oedipus as Tragic Heroes (as defined by Aristotle)

            “Oedipus the King” and “Death of Salesman” both are tragedies. For a play to be considered as a tragedy it has to meet the principles determined by Aristotle, a Greek Philosopher, or those of Arthur Miller who is playwright of twentieth century. According to Aristotle a tragedy is a …

Principle Ideas and Methods of Socrates

  Introduction Socrates was a Greek philosopher who lived in the period between 469 BC–399 BC (Apology, 27). He was charged in the year 399BC, for convincing youths not to believe in the God of Athens (Brun, 1978). The allegations were forwarded by Mellitus who was also from the same …

John Stuart Mill

Thesis             “John Stuart Mill’s” autobiography, including the culture he grew up in, the people who influenced or motivated him, the major texts he wrote, the major ideas he reiterated, as well as, the reflection based on what the researcher has learned will conclude whether his major idea or the …

The Analects Of Confucius

There is often a parallel drawn between Confucianism and Confucius himself, however relations between them are very flimsy. Confucius was a famous sage and philosopher (551 BC – 479 BC) of China. His teachings had very strong impact on East Asia. Nevertheless, Confucius’ ideas were not acknowledged during his life, …

Descartes and Dualism

Rene Descartes is best known for his concept of distinguishing the person in relation to the thinking mind.  The body was only an extension used by the mind to better facilitate existence in this realm.  While Descartes is not the only philosopher that touted this concept, he used his concept …

Sophocles' Oedipus as Aristotle’s Tragic Hero

Sophocles’ Oedipus is an impeccable personification of Aristotle’s concept of a tragic hero. Per Aristotle’s idea of a tragic hero, Oedipus possessed the qualities of a tragic hero while the story reflected the rubrics that the tragic hero need to undergo. Below is a review of Aristotle’s criteria of a …

Euthyphro Dialogue

In the Euthyphro by Plato, Socrates and Euthyphro debate the concept of piety and how it relates to the common man. Piety, or justice, is a topic that has challenged men since the beginning of time, as it is subjective to many outside forces including personal beliefs, culture and ethics. …

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