Future Essays

Iraq is considered as a war ravaged country in the Middle East and it has become an influential country after Saddam Hussein took over as its totalitarian leader. However, the United States of America was eager to end Hussein’s regime. The efforts to rule Iraq temporarily halted when Clinton became …
Kerala is a state located at the Southern part of India. It is a place mentioned in many parts of the Mahabmarata, an infamous Asian epic. This place is a long shoreline with many serene beaches. It has an exotic and rich wildlife, picturesque waterfalls, sprawling plantations and fields. The …
I once heard a song by Cock Sparrer, and in that song are the lines, “Because you’re young, you’re torn between a world of hate, and a world of dreams; so much to lose, so much to gain; so much to fight for, so much to change.”. I then realized …
The Institution The theatre is a very important institution in our society. It was a breakthrough in the entertainment world. It provided new possibilities, new ideas for the people so that it would entertain more and more people. It is known as the theatron in Greek, which means a “place …
Undoubtedly, a lot of interesting technological breakthroughs and innovations are waiting for our society in the nearest future. I suppose that, first of all, many changes will take place in communication and IT. Even in coming 10 years Internet will grow incredibly faster and more reliable, so it will fulfill …
Abstract People always wanted to know what they will face in future. Numerous theories were created about our world structure, the impact of different processes onto our existence, and the expected consequences of the events we experience today. Thinking about future is an interesting task, and this paper will …
In the Punjab Census Report (1911), Pandit Harikishan Kaul points out that members of the Arain tribe are “mostly Muhammadans,” (in theGlossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North West Frontier Province, Denzil Ibbetson also refers to the Arains as, “Almost to a man Muhammadans”), and as …
A popular saying goes, “Marriage involves three rings: the engagement ring, the wedding ring, and the suffering.”If it is commonly felt that marriage is so difficult, why do most people wish to get married? Probably, the instinct to find a mate is inherent in human beings; and I am no …
In this article, Henrikson soundly projects five possible futures of diplomacy in the near future. These are shaped in a context characterised by globalising and unifying world comprising of nations at different phases of history – pre-modern, modern and post-modern. Thus no model of diplomacy’s possible future is likely to …
I am allergic to honey. It gives me a headache. My future husband has to know this. That will bring him one step closer to being perfect. He must also have a head of full of hair and be a foot taller than myself. That really should not be a …
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