Experiences Essays

Confirmation bias refers to a type of selective thinking where one tends to notice and to look for what confirms one’s beliefs. It can be difficult to encounter something or someone without having a preconceived opinion. You only see one way to approach a problem or idea, and that’s your …
Today, there are many car accidents, some are fatal and some leave passengers with lifelong problems. Car accidents are one of the leading factors why the death rate is continuously rising. In this essay I will discuss how speeding, distractions, and how the weather cause car accidents. The most distinguished …
About the author: Tom Davenport, professor of Information Management at the University of Texas, Austin, is best known for his research on how organizations bring about major innovations in their work processes. His 1993 book, Process Innovation: Reengineering Work through Information Technology, was the first book to describe what has …
Globalisation, defined as the process of increasing integration and interdependence between countries and societies through the movement of people, goods, service, information and communication, such that events occurred in a part of the world will affect the others (Baylis, Smith & Owens 2008; Fischer 2003; Hill, Wee & Udayasankar 2012; …
Learning is more than memorizing, more than regurgitating facts and information. It is about the context, the experience, of interpreting these facts and transforming them into knowledge. This, as Jeff Cobb argues, is what constitutes learning and I concur. After reading an excerpt from Charles Dickens’ novel, “Book the First …
Taxi Driver is a 1976 film written by Paul Schrader and directed by Martin Scorsese. In the film, Manhattan taxi driver, Travis Bickle is a lonely ex-Vietnam Marine by the age of 26. The film centers on his chronic depression and insomnia as it gradually causes him to distance himself …
Learning how to ride a real bicycle was a nerve wracking moment. * I woke up one sunny morning to find my grandpa sitting on the edge of my bed. I was curious as to what he was doing there, but then grew excited when he informed me that I …
Death reaches every society through many forms; in the United States, automobiles and other motor vehicles cause staggering numbers of fatalities each year. State and federal governments publish tragic casualty statistics annually. These governments simultaneously create programs that attempt to decrease vehicle related fatalities in the nation. One well …
Today I interviewed my mother about her experience with September 11, 2001 (“9/11”). To me her experience wasn’t as exciting as if she were there, but pretty normal for someone who was having a typical day. On 9/11 my mom was driving down Perryville Road, passing Menard’s, to the doctor’s …
The text book describes conflict as “a process that begins when one party perceives another party has or is about to negatively affect something the first party cares about.” There are different views on dealing with conflict. There is the traditional view that seeks to eliminate any conflict and the …
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