Destiny Essays

Does everything happen for a reason or is it the meaning that we hold on to? People all over hold their own opinions and beliefs to themselves, you’re going to hear both sides, both stories from different individuals including myself. You will see the different life experiences from people who …
The Spear of Destiny, a mystical object passed down and rumored to possess the power to rule the world. It’s been in the hands of some of histories most famous and powerful people. But does it really contain the power to “take over the world?” Well, lets take a look. …
Latin word meaning unconquerable. The word Invictus also contains victory in it. One can infer from the title that this piece of literature is about taking responsibility and control over your own destiny, or over ones self. The first stanza, the author asserts what he is surrounded by, “Out of …
Oedipus as the Puppet and the Puppeteer The misfortunes that befall Oedipus the King in Sophocles’ play show a fundamental relationship between the will of the gods and man’s free will. The ancient Greeks believed that the gods ruled the universe and had an irrefutable role in the conditions of …
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