Home Essays

Introduction The paper addresses a new dwelling typology that has developed in the contemporary world – ‘gated residential communities’; the problems associated with it at a social and urban level, focusing majorly on its impact on the city as a whole. It tries to explain the notion by taking the …
Introduction The paper addresses a new dwelling typology that has developed in the contemporary world – ‘gated residential communities’; the problems associated with it at a social and urban level, focusing majorly on its impact on the city as a whole. It tries to explain the notion by taking the …
While travelling to a different country, people will spend significant amounts of time learning about, and having the opportunity to see, stunning feats of architecture in person. The Eiffel tower in Paris. The Leaning Tower of Pisa and the Colosseum in Rome. Taj Mahal in India. These buildings have become …
I arrived at Westminster, London around seven o’clock on Sunday evening as the sun set below the horizon and the lampposts lit the gloomy streets. I had been evicted from my cottage in Gillingham for refusing to pay my rent and had come to London seeking advice from my parents …
The poem “Home-Baked Bread” is a play on words. The title sounds wholesome and gives the impression of a cozy environment with a homemade feel but as you read on it sounds like a woman that is weaving a web of sensual pleasures. Croft puts together a play on words …
As I stood by the door the cold bitter wind slapped me in the face as I watched the car pull away from the driveway. Leaves were swooping, sweeping and soaring in the wind and night sky shrouded the house in darkness as the car lights faded away in the …
She dialled the number. Holding the phone to her ear, the hard plastic felt strange against her clammy skin. Three rings. Four… Maybe he wasn’t in on a Saturday. “Hello? Dr. Reed? This is Mrs Swan, Luke’s mother,” she said, so rapidly, that she couldn’t even understand herself. She paused …
Founded in 1978 in Atlanta, Georgia, The Home Depot(r) is the world’s largest home improvement retailer. The Home Depot is committed to offering the ultimate home improvement shopping experience. With about 35,000 different products, trademark customer service and guaranteed low prices, Home Depot stores cater to do-it-yourselfers, as well as …
Growing up is a process all of us, whether we like it or not, have to go through. Some would try their very best to hold on to every second of their childhood, whereas some would just pray for the arrival of adulthood. But no matter which type, they are …
Glucose is an essential substance in the body as it the primary source of energy for all biological functions and is indeed the only form of energy which can be used by the brain and central nervous system. The ideal level of blood glucose is 80 – 90mg of glucose …
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