Places Essays

People have memories that are sparked by many situations. Places often make people remember experiences from the past. Many places hold memories for me: the sea, school, and foreign countries. One particular place that reminds me of my childhood is Cassamata Hill National Park in Vigan, Ilocos Sur. Cassamata Hill …
When I think of a meaningful place, I think of my bedroom. A place like my bedroom is where I can relax and be comfortable. I think that is why it is important to me, because I can be myself and feel comfortable in there. I can also just sit …
The “Dojo” is a room for a practicing martial arts. This room is a Japanese traditional building. The Dojo’s appearance is similar to a shed. This is not big room. It’s almost entirely made of wood. The Dojo especially doesn’t change when different seasons come. There are a lot of …
Our hometown is where our roots lie. Mine lie in a peaceful little town nestled in the north-west of Romania, called Satu Mare, with a history going back to the Middle Ages. Today, it is an academic, cultural, industrial and business centre in northwestern Romania. At first it may not …
Sally Morgan’s ‘My Place’ is an autobiographical account of three generations of Aboriginals, which illustrate the social history of Aboriginals from the point of view of an Aboriginal and marks its development as society evolves. Two aboriginals, Gladys and Daisy Corruna, of the Stolen Generations describe the Paternalism which led …
“Signs and Symbols” by Vladimir Nabokov, has been read in many different ways by many different readers. The story depicts a day in the life of Russian immigrants on the birthday of their mentally ill son. Critics may say it is a simple short story, a collage of signs and …
The most beautiful place for me is Spain. When I was eleven years old, my mother and I first went abroad. Mom and I both love to travel. Before that we visited several neighboring countries that were part of the USSR, because we do not need a visa to travel …
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