Entertainment Essays

Throughout the two films Annie Hall and The Birds, each sequence of events has been thoroughly vetted by the director to bestow the viewer with a more concrete understanding of the overall themes and motivation behind the particular underlying story. With this in mind, the utilization of specific editing techniques …
The 1960’s film, Psycho challenged censorship laws and cultural norms at the time of its release. Movies and film influence the perceptions and ideas of the mass culture, especially in America by portraying underlying attitudes and beliefs that the culture holds. Because of this, film has made itself an integral …
There are multiple similarities and differences between “The Birds” short story by Daphne du Maurier and its film adaptation. The story was published in 1952 as part of a collection of short stories by du Maurier called “The Apple Tree” while the movie was released a little over a decade …
A reoccurring theme in all the Alfred Hitchcock films we have viewed this semester is the notion of characters being “trapped”. Whether it is by their private desires, personal traumas or even social structures. At times the traps are real, while at other times it may be no more than …
Film genre refers to the motion picture category whose basis is on the similarities in the aspects of narrative elements or other forms of emotional response to the film. The genre theory is a great way of analyzing a film and it the theory declares that the genres are the …
I chose the film The 39 Steps by Alfred Hitchcock that released in 1935 because when I saw the cover of the DVD case and watched the trailer, I noticed that I looked like Richard Hannay who was the main character except I do not have a mustache and I …
Psycho is based on the novel with the same title which was written by Robert Block in 1959. Psycho (1960), was directed by Alfred Hitchcock. He was known for his ideas for making mysterious and horror films. Psycho is the sort of brilliant movie you’d expect from a young hotshot …
Over the course of his career Alfred Hitchcock made a name for himself as the “Master of Suspense”, and would be considered by some to be the greatest director who ever lived. Hitchcock’s greatest contribution to the film industry would come with the release of his 1960 film Psycho. Throughout …
Alfred Hitchcock also known as “ The master of suspense” was an international household name who lived a very engrossing life, and produced and directed over fifty sensational movies. Alfred Hitchcock was born on August 13, 1899 in Leytonstone, London, England, and he died on April 29, 1980 due to …
The Godfather 2 is the continuation of a world-known film which is popular in America and other countries. The combination of a professional stage direction by Coppola, magnificent play of talented actors, and amazing scenario has guaranteed unprecedented rate of success. There is a lot of violence and aggression portrayed, …
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