Television Essays

But in the midst of it all I felt aware, like I could feel everything. I felt the dry, patchy grass scratch against my bare legs, reminding me of my football days in college. I heard the trickling of the dried out fountain like it was an ocean, reminding me …
Contemporary music is every now and again observed as conceptual and over-intellectualized, so it is invigorating to discover an author quick to react aesthetically to the actualities of the advanced world, particularly when such occasions have the ability to stun, which is further explained in this classical music concert review. …
Go back is a reality TV text that hinges on the participant’s transformation as a result of their new discoveries due to exposures and experiences during the program. The events and situations are planned by the program’s creators but the impact of the experience and how the participants grapple to …
The majority of people have some kind of hopes and dreams. Hopes are “desires accompanied by expectations of fulfillment, and give promises to the future,” (The American Heritage Dictionary, page 622). Dreams are “notable for their beauty, excellence, and enjoyable quality,” (The American Heritage Dictionary, page 424). Throughout my life …
This scene is vitally important for the setting for the rest of the play; the characters really show themselves to the audience. I wrote this scene to show many different feelings such as fear and boldness in the characters. This can be hard to portray. This scene is probably one …
I believe that Fanthorpe is indeed a master of speaking in the voice of another. She is capable of seeing things from various perspectives and points of view, and expressing that view in her writing. Fanthorpe herself once mentioned that she enjoyed working for voices in the ‘Browning’ way, and …
There are many artifacts that help define the American culture. One that I believe has had the most influence in the past and will continue to have a huge influence in the future is the television. Nearly every home is equipped with one, and most family rooms are centered around …
‘P’tang, yang, kipperbang’ is a play written for television which focuses around the life of a teenage boy, named Alan Duckworth. Set after the war, the play gives the viewer or reader a well documented insight into teenage life at this point in time. The main character, Alan is not …
To analyse the values and ideas a culture holds dear, studying sitcoms may surprisingly be the place to start – they are a veritable weather vane of popular culture, constantly evolving to reflect the advancement of society. Sometimes a sitcom will set out to challenge and perhaps change to some …
Peter Kay’s ‘Phoenix nights’, set in Bolton in Lancashire tells a storey revolved around the ‘Phoenix club’, run by Brian Potter (played by Peter Kay). This sitcom has been said to be full off ‘witty dialogue, side-splitting one liners and intelligent observational humour’ (review form gingaroo) but also some would …
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