Magic Essays

Free levitation magic tricks are the ones I get asked day in, day out to add more of. So without further ado I present the spinning card trick. Although similar to the Bottle Cap Levitation with this effect there is more scope for a few ‘tricks’ as you will see. …
May Day Eve tells about how the love story of Don Badoy and Dona Agueda began. They both believe in the myth of the May day eve, for people say that during the eve of May 1st one will be able to see his/her future wife/husband when he/she will look …
One of the most pondered questions in human existence is whether our lives are determined by forces which are beyond our control or by our own free will. It is widely believed that one’s own destiny is created by fate. However, some also consider the possibility that one’s own choices …
Shakespeares so called late plays including works such as The Tempest and The Winters Tale present the audience with a world of incomparable wealth of interest in the unseen world of magic and adventure, all the while conveying Shakespeares unique capabilities with the English language and his risk-taking attitude towards …
Superstition is often defined as an irrational of unfounded belief in general and the term is used by many to merely show that they wish to characterise given beliefs or opinion as false, misinformation or ignorance. (Bernardin, 2004) Many definitions have been put forward as to what superstition means, however …
Living as we do in the 20th century, the charges imposed on people throughout New England during the 1680s and 1690s seem preposterous. Any behavior regarded as strange by fellow citizens was sufficient to hold a trial with a sentence of death. Though such scenarios seem unfathomable in our modern …
Mr Reverend Hale had a very controversial role in moving the story to the end how it had happened. Beside the other three main characters: Mr Proctor, Elizabeth and Abigail he was fourth biggest person who influenced the happenings the most. However, while the main characters played a kind of …
Winston Churchill’s quote, “The best things carried to excess are wrong” is a statement that most people do not take serious. The statement has reoccurred throughout history many times. Three Sovereigns for Sarah documented the events that took place in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692. During that time the Puritans were …
Magic is an art of entertaining an audience by tricking, and performing illusions that amaze them often by giving the impression that something impossible has been achieved. The people who perform these illusions are called magicians, illusionists or prestidigitators. Early performances of magic start back in ancient Egypt. But the …
Throughout the ages, people have been looking for explanations for the unknown. Life’s mysteries have fueled mankind’s quest for knowledge. These journeys for the answers have often resulted in the formation of religions. Christianity has been the backbone of this nation since it’s beginning, and any other religion, no matter …
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