Television Essays

Victor Meldrew is the main character in a TV programme named ‘One Foot in the Grave’ which is a BBC made sitcom. The word sitcom is short for situation comedy. Sitcoms were founded in America, with the first one ‘I Love Lucy’ being a great success all over the world. …
What is reality television? Well reality television started in the 1990’s and from there onwards it has become the most rapidly growing programme format. Reality television has been mixed together to make other subjects such as game shows (Big Brother), soaps (Eastenders) and documentaries. These programmes mainly Big Brother are …
Sitcoms as a whole rely heavily on stereotypes and the best way of showing these are through varying degrees of stereotypical character. One of the main stereotypes of a character are through how the different genders are represented. For example stereotypically, females are shown as very affectionate and loving, whereas …
You have been watching various episodes of the popular sitcom ‘FRIENDS’. Using this to support your essay, think about the idea of sitcom? What is it? Why is it so popular? Analyse ‘FRIENDS’ taking into consideration, stereotyping, representation, audience and the sitcom genre. ‘Friends’ is an American sitcom based in …
In many countries television shows many foreign-made programs. The dominance of imported entertainment is harmful to the cultures of these countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree? There is a contention in some circles that in many nations television shows a lot of imported programs which are badly …
The name of the system is interactive voice response (IVR) system and the purpose of evaluation is to understand how IVR system can be made more effective and less annoying for a customer. In other words how IVR can help a customer understand the value placed by the organization on …
If the Americans had Dallas, we had many parallels of it as well. Dallas, an American prime time television soap opera, aired on CBS from April 2, 1978 to May 3, 1991 on CBS. Anna Liza was produced by GMA Network. Like its American counterpart, GMA Network started out as …
The rapid revolution in technology affected our lifestyle drastically and led us to believe that our lives have changed for the better. Now communication with our distant friends or relatives, buying branded products or goods on-the-go and conducting business meeting is possible with just a single click. We believe that …
The purpose of the speculative voice is to not only to warn people of inhumane trends developing into widely accepted culture but also to make people reconsider the whole idea of a “utopian society”. The idea that a world can be a place of perfect equality between all humans and …
I think the very concept of censorship on television is a contradiction in itself. One must understand that where there is a remote in the hands of the viewer, there is a choice to be made. The censor is the person holding the remote and who decides whether he/she or …
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