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Television Essays

Reality Television: A Real Success or Just a Passing Trend?

            Reality T.V., you see it, read about it, and can hear about it in nearly every corner of the nation today. From television screens to cell phone browsers, the media has flooded our lives with programs about love, money, success and survival. The so called “reality” that the media …

Reality Television Argumentative

                Television has been over-run by reality.  Just about every kind of reality show anyone could come up with is on almost every cable channel there is.  There are reality shows related to business like The Apprentice, reality shows that test the physical stamina of the contestants like Survivor and …

Reality TV

“Survivor” recently made news after it came out with its 16th season, and after CBS announced the renewal of the show through another two seasons. According to CNN, “Survivor” has won the People’s Choice Award for favorite reality show every year since 2000.  The show has also won two Emmys …

Nam June Paik’s TV and Its Influence

            Nam June Paik, a Korean-American artist, died in Miami, Florida, in January 2006 aged 74 years. As word about his death spread far and wide, many artists were affected by the loss of a man who has not only been hailed as the founder of video art, but is …

Electronic Voice Phenomenon

Electronic voice phenomenon refers to process in which parts of speech are recorded on a magnetic tape in a process that cannot fully be comprehended. Human beings can hear the recorded speech purportedly of a ‘ghost’ when the audiotape is played back. There are several persons who believe in the …

How Reality TV Participants function as a Reference Group

A reference group is a group which serves as a framework, benchmark or a standard of comparison for assessing or shaping behavior and other sociological characteristics of people.  (Corbetta and Patrick 2003) Reference groups are deemed as models that people emulate in their activities and decision making which they apply …

Hardball: DirecTV Strikes Out

            DirecTV, a satellite-television provider, has been involved in a long-standing battle against “cable TV” for the TV viewer market.  Their latest commercial is a spoof of the 1989 movie “Major League” starring Charlie Sheen as the pitcher “Wild Thing”.  The message is umpires would make better calls if they …

The Black Voice – Motown, Soul and the Integration of Popular Music

            Motown is a recording company formed by Berry Gordy, Jr. on 1959 based in Detroit. It was first named as Tamla Record but later it became known as Tamla-Motown. Some of its artists were Stevie Wonder, Diana Ross, Marvin Gaye, The Four Tops and the Jackson Five (“Motown Records,”). …

The Trouble with Television Analysis

What is the trouble with television? In MacNeil’s article, “The Trouble with Television,” he states that television discourages concentration. MacNeil wrote this article around thirty years ago, so one may ask of the article’s validity today. The claim that television discourages concentration still contains its prior validity today. The variety …

The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory is the recognized hypothesis on how the universe came into existence.  It is the most accepted answer to the question, “How did the universe came into being?” This research paper aims to discuss the definition of the theory, its history and the proofs that validate the …

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