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Entertainment Essays

The Hunger Games

In the novel, there is a very clear sense of right and wrong. The Capital killing children and growing rich of the toil of the people is obviously wrong. Katniss does what she must to survive and does kill other competitors. Morality is defined as personal or cultural values, codes …

Speculation in June Spence’s “Missing Women”

June Spence’s “Missing Women” is a story of three women’s mysterious disappearance. Indications of how the women, a mother, Kay, her daughter, Vicki, and her daughter’s friend, Adelle, lived their lives and may have vanished are provided throughout the story, but in the end, it appears no one had all …

African American Vernacular

According to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, the definition of vernacular is “of, relating to, or being a nonstandard language or dialect of a place, region, or country.” In terms of African American history, the evolution of vernacular is very important and a very unique part of the culture. The African …

The Titanic - Who is to Blame?

The Titanic sinking is a topic that has been met with a lot of controversy over the years. There are many theories about what cause the sinking and how it could have been avoided. One factor though, that should be focused on more than any other is: Who is to …

Music Appreciation Argumentative

1. What was going historically during this era? What was life like? The era began with the disintegration of the Roman Empire and ended with the cultural reawakening of the Renaissance. The era whiteness a fairly unorganized Europe with lots of individual small towns, feudalism, the majority of people are …

Netflix - Strategy Analysis

Today, whenever we think about watching movies or TV serials online, Netflix is one company that comes on everyone’s minds. It is one of the world’s market leading internet television network that provides members with subscription service across 40 different countries and more to enjoy movies and TV shows online …

The Negative Impact of Media on Children and Teens

Today in our society you can’t watch TV without seeing or hearing about sex, you can’t listen to the radio without hearing foul language, or hearing about drugs or related scandal. It’s affecting our society as a whole and more importantly, our younger generation. In a matter of seconds, most …

UNIX and Linux Comparison Matrix

Components Your response Role of shell Gives a command line with built in commands Three features and roles of each feature Security- there is a firewall tool provided with a taskbar that lets the user know of any security issues. Shell- is environment friendly for the user and has functions …

"Love song, with two goldfish" by Grace Chua

The poem, “love song, with two goldfish” by Grace Chua is about a romantic relationship of two goldfish that unlike a lot of love stories does not result in a happy ending. It seems as though in this poem, humans have been replaced with two goldfish; a man and a …

Conceptual Framework

Online Games or Internet Games are video games played over same form of computer Network, using a personal computer or video game console. If requires a connection to the internet to play, and it’s a type of pc game. It can also played in the computer shop, that’s why there …

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