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Emotions Essays

Running Head: Understanding Reactive Attachment Disorder

The effects of all forms of child abuse and neglect can result in physical injury, long-term disability, and severe psychological trauma. Reactive attachment disorder (RAD) is one of many possible consequences of such trauma. RAD is a rare condition marked by emotional, behavioral, and psychological dysfunction, found in children who …

Justice and Mercy

A judge that passes down a less than desirable and lenient sentence to a criminal, causes strife and anger among those who witness it. One expects a judge to impose the full extent of the law because justice is punishment and has no room for mercy. However, outside the rules …

Cyber Bullying

Bullying has existed for years, many kids and adolescents deal with it every day. In today’s world technology is an easy access for everyone. Since it’s very accessible many people use social media. In social media you could seek news, others peoples pictures/ videos and their thoughts and views. That’s …

Tibetan Medicine

Western medicine is predominantly a symptom based practice, whereas the Tibetan medical practice focuses on treating the root of the disease. Additionally in the Western practice physical illnesses have historically been the problem medical institutions have been working on understanding and finding solutions for, while mental illnesses have often been …

The Feminist art movement

The Feminist art movement emerged in the late 1960s and flourished throughout the 1970s. During this period in history women were making huge strides in social issues such as protesting wars, supporting civil rights, and gay/lesbian movements. Women played a huge role in these movements, as they wanted equality for …

Three Words, One Life

It was cold and rainy friday morning, raindrops were pattering against the window. An ear piercing sound wakes me out my deep slumber, I roll over to end the sound, the numbers on the clock haunt me, the realization of a simple “5 more minutes” turned into another hour. Jerking …

Sin and Punishment in the Lives of Citizens

The concept of sin and punishment was a central thought in the lives of citizens in the early American society. Considering that the majority of people believed in the religion of Christianity and included as a fundamental part of their lives, sin and punishment were not taken lightly. The punishment …

Leadership Behaviors: What Makes an Effective and Responsible Leader?

The leadership roles that our system of higher education possesses must be identified with behaviors that have positive influences on the relationships between their colleagues, as well as the behaviors that influence effectiveness and the image of that institution. The purpose of this investigation is to dive into the many …

Defining What We Mean by the Extremism, Terrorism & Radicalisation

A person who holds extreme political or religious views, especially one who advocates illegal, violent, or other extreme action. There are many different types of extremist ideologies around. Some more common ones include: Neo-Nazism Islamophobia Antisemitism Islamic extremism People who have these ideologies may become directly involved in violent acts …

In the Middle of Nowhere  

Rebecca Solnit stated in her writing, “Open Door” that: “Lost really have two disparate meaning. Losing things is about the familiar falling away, getting lost is about the unfamiliar appearing.” I have lost myself hundreds or maybe thousands of times. For me, losing yourself is like you are adding or …

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