Humanity Essays

He was born as a young puppy, yet soon realized the horrors of the world that he lives in. For his first four years, Liam spent his days in a laboratory, having painful experiments performed on him that left him petrified when he eventually got rescued. Not only did these …
Medical trials, a form of research utilizing an animal test subject (bench) or a human test subject (bedside), are necessary for the development in understanding the stages in various illnesses and diseases. Animal testing isn’t always harmful, in fact, many scientists and laboratories use animal testing for new discoveries. Some …
Can you imagine being locked up in a cage, scared, not knowing that pain and death are approaching? Many animals around the world go through this. The practice of animal testing by cosmetic and research organizations is unethical and inhumane. People tend to forget that animals get tortured and killed …
Have you ever thought about how an animal might react differently to certain studies? Can we really count on testing being done on an animal to prove whether or not it is safe for us? Millions of animals are used in the United States to be tested on every year …
As humans, we have our five basic senses. We are able to hear, smell, taste, touch and see. Missing one of these senses can make our lives difficult and depending on which one is lost, it may be overwhelming and make us appear different to the world. Regardless of our …
Revelation is defined as ‘God revealing himself to people’. What is often discussed is whether God something we discover in our own experiences or is does he discloses himself to us through other sources. Religions such as Christianity claim that God has freely chosen to disclose himself to us. Religious …
Night, a memoir written by Elie Wiesel, is about a young boy and his experience in the concentration camps during the Holocaust. This young boy, Elie Wiesel, starts of as a religiously devout Jew that lives in a small community of Sighet, Hungarian Transylvania. In the spring of 1944, his …
You who think the meaning of life is in the click of the keys on your laptop, the beep of your pager in the firm grasp of business’s opponents handshake. You who thinks life means clinching contracts or looking the best in your friends party. will you think the same …
The novel 1984 has left a lasting impact in the literary world. Though the year in which the book takes place has come and gone, the book can still warn of a future that could come. In all reality, the book could be titled 2100 and have the same plot …
Read the assigned readings in Topic 3 (textbook chapter 4, Lecture 3, “The Mystery of Original Sin” article, and Bible passages) and address the following questions with a total word count (including questions) of 500-750 words. Cite all of the resources used with in-text citations, using at least two sources …
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