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Drama Essays

How does the playwrite create and maintain the dramatic force of the play

‘The mighty words of the proud are paid in full with mighty blows of fate, and at long those blows will teach us wisdom’ Essentially, one of several dramatic force of the play Antigone is built and maintained through pride, excessive pride and hubris within the characters of Antigone and …

Browning's Characters Have for Murdering Their Victims in Three of his Dramatic Monologues

Robert Browning was an English poet who lived from 1812-1889. He was known for his use of dramatic monologue. Three of Browning’s best known dramatic monologues are; My Last Duchess, Porphyria’s Lover and The Laboratory. The earliest of which was Porphyria’s Lover which was first published in January 1836. It …

Explain the Dramatic Significance of Mr Alfieri

The angle of the lighting casts a shadow across him however; it is clear from his demeanour that he is a man of importance. As he emerges from the silhouettes his attire is a contrast to the shabby backdrop. His name is Mr Alfieri and his character is vital in …

Examine the Use of the Dramatic Monologue in the Poetry of Carol Ann Duffy

Unlike the soliloquy, the dramatic monologue speaks directly to the reader and voices a single character or persona’s thoughts, this offers a better understanding of the ideas and message the poet is trying to express. The dramatic monologue is used to form a bond or relationship between the speaker and …

Confinement and Self-liberation in 'A Doll's House'

Setting is used as an immediate representation of the social conventions imposed on the central female characters. In A Doll’s House, Ibsen presents the appearance of cosy bourgeois family life through the ‘comfortably and tastefully, but not expensively furnished’ setting. This is further exemplified through the Christmas tree; a festive …

"A Dolls House" by Henrik Ibsen

For this particular part of my A level drama coursework I have been studying as well as closely analysing the language spoken within the play “A Dolls House”, written by Henrik Ibsen back in the 19th century. But many children and students are still reading this well known play, now …

The Use of Shocking and Stricking Visual Effects in Tis Pity She's A Whore

Early seventeenth century plays often make striking use of visual effects to shock the audience. Explain the ways Ford creates striking or shocking dramatic effects in ‘Tis Pity She’s a Whore. Plays of the seventeenth century are notoriously known for being rife with gory representations and some critics have gone …

Drama theorist Jerzy Grotowski

Today in drama class we learned about the new drama theorist Jerzy Grotowski who believed in the concept of drama being performed in its most basic and pure state. Our group was to research facts about his theory and present it to our class with a presentation along with some …

In what was the stimulus material developed through the drama process

At the beginning of the devising process we were provided with a number of stimulus materials which were all connected with our chosen subject of war. Out of this bulk of material we agreed upon the use of three poems which we felt communicated the right messages. Having little previous …

The Dramatic Point of View of "Hills Like White Elephants"

This story, Hills Like White Elephants, is taken form the Objective (dramatic) point of view where the author is the narrator. The author doesn’t enter the mind of the characters at any time. He allows us only to see the characters as we would in real life. This is sometimes …

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