Drama Essays
‘Macbeth’ is full of dramatic contrasts, show how Shakespeare has developed the character of Lady Macbeth in act 1 scene 5, and contrast it to her character in act 5 scene 1. ‘Macbeth’ is a play set in the Scottish highlands. The plot consists of Macbeth’s rise and fall of …
‘An Inspector Calls’ written by John Boynton Priestley in 1945 was depicted as set in 1912, two years before the commencement of World War I when there was very high unemployment in Britain and the Suffragette Movement’s activities were peaking. The play was first performed in Moscow in 1945 because …
JB Priestly lived during the early 20th Century, a time of great global change. He wrote “An Inspector Calls” after the First World War and, like much of his work, contains controversial, politically charged messages. Keen to pioneer a new ‘morality’ in politics, Priestley’s chief concerns involved social inequality in …
The title of the play is ‘Our Day Out’ Willy Russell wrote it in 1977. He was born in Whinston Lancashire. He grew up in Knowsley; a model village set in the countryside outside Liverpool. Once Russell had qualified as a teacher he worked at Shortfields Comprehensive School in Liverpool …
Our class where asked to do a play called the mummers play, we was given a script and we was told to learn all the lines and then later we would act it out. At first I thought it would be quite easy because I thought that we wouldn’t have …
This is about a boy called Andy who was speeding in his car and collided with a young girl, Kelly, on her moped and she died. And as a result of this Andy was sent to prison. It also includes the relationship of Jazz and Andy and how their relationship …
For my GCSE coursework piece, my task was to do a respect project on Domestic violence. The Dramatic aim of my play was to inform people and make them aware of domestic violence. We decided that our target audience would be at the age of 15 and up to around …
Introduction For unit 2 of Drama, we are studying Teechers which is by John Goodber. Goodber is well known for plays such as Teechers, Bouncers and Shakers. Teechers is a play inside a play. Most of the plays Goodber writes are for few actors, so each actor has multiple characters …
Sparkleshark is a modern day stage comedy about Jake, a shy 14 year old boy who secretly writes imaginative magical stories from the roof of an inner-city tower block. As the play progresses, more and more characters arrive on the roof before Jake has to think up his best story …
The set, lighting and music for Ayckbourns Drinking Companions should, as stated in the stage directions, be in a hotel bar, so a table with three chairs around it should be placed at centre stage, at which Paula is sat, soon to be joined by Harry and Bernice. The music …
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