Book Review Essays

The Harry Potter novels proved themselves to be top-sellers across the world. Movies have been made, bookshops organize special events for the release dates of sequels and the internet is full of fan articles and even illegal pirated copies. Children, adolescents and adults; they all read Joann K. Rowling’s novels …
The phrase do not judge a book by its cover is one most people will be familiar with, but this analysis will do exactly this for one simple reason: Based on what, if not the surface level, are readers to decide whether or not a book is worth their precious …
The book Calling My Name follows a girl named Taja who is dealing with growing up and going through middle and high school. In this book she is also dealing with religion, family, friends, enemies, first love, betrayal, hopes, and just handling the emotions of being a teenage girl. For …
Introductory Paragraph Identify the title, the author, and the publisher of the book. Summarize the main idea/theme of the book you are reviewing in one or two sentences. Write your thesis (what you think of the book). Example: I loved the book but I had some problems with it. Example: …
In his autobiography All Souls: A Family Story From Southie, Michael Patrick MacDonald discloses on the adversities his family experienced while living in the projects of South Boston. One historical force present throughout the book is social movement. This is seen when the African American schools of Roxbury were being …
Across Five Aprils is a fictional novel based on the five-year civil war that occurred in our country. The main character goes by the name of Jethro Creighton, who in the beginning of the novel is a nine-year-old boy. Jethro lives on a farm in Southern Illinois with his mom, …
This book was written by Gerry Adams, the President of the Sinn Fein, as a collection of his uncensored views to bringing peace to Northern Ireland. His view is that the six counties in Northern Ireland should be allowed complete self-determination, which in turn would lead to a unified Irish …
Islamic expert John Esposito mainly focused on the topic of Islam and terrorism while trying to answer some questions, how to make a modern terrorist, what is the definition of Jihad, how does Islam used in the sense of terrorism, by giving historical experiences, and events as examples to enable …
Camilla Townsend is one of the most creative writers and interpreters that have played a major role in narrating the historical accounts in an effective manner. A similar creative and well-written piece of work is Malintzin’s Choices: an Indian Woman in the Conquest of Mexico that has been written ingeniously …
Leil Lowndes was able to produce a magnificent book that can counter shyness and workout confidence among people. The book Goodbye to Shy: 85 Shybusters That Work helps readers in facing everyday lives with full confidence and brighter perspectives. It determines the source of …
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