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Demonstrate the importance of supporting the rights of all children

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This assignment should demonstrate the importance of supporting the rights of all children and young people to participation and equality of access and also the importance and benefits of valuing and promoting cultural diversity in work with children and young people.

1.2 Describe the importance of supporting their rights of all children and young people to participation and equality of access.

All pupils have the right to a broad and balanced curriculum this must be supported by high quality teaching and learning experiences. Schools have a duty to ensure that all pupils have equal access to the curriculum irrespective of their Backgrounds, Race, Culture, Gender, Additional needs and Disabilities. To understand the importance of supporting the rights for all children and young people is to look in more detail at the intended outcomes of Legislation, Codes of practice, and Policies. Policies on inclusion and equality of opportunity can only be successful if they help to raise achievement and to promote self – identity and good relationships through the participation of all children and young people.

All children have individual needs because they perceive the world differently and interact with others in different ways. They experience different social and environment factors which along with their genetic differences, shape their personalities, knowledge and skills. Children may be individuals but they exist as part of various social groups e.g. family, local community, school and wider society. Some children may find that school environments can be challenging or even exciting and are well motivated to learn, where others may find that school environment is daughting and may experience learning difficulties.

All children have essential needs such as:-

Physical care – regular, nutritious meals, warmth, sleep and rest

Routines – a regular pattern to their day; with changes explained

Independence – encouragement to do things for themselves and making changes to their way of living

Communication – encouragement to talk and interact with others

Encouragement and praise – for trying as well as achieving

Love – from parents/carers which is unconditional, e.g. expecting nothing back

Education – appropriate to their age and levels of development

Sincerity and respect – honest and courteous treatment

Stimulation – opportunities to explore their environment and tackle new challenges

1.3 A description of the importance and benefits of valuing and promoting cultural diversity in work with children and young people

Culture can have many different meanings and the way the term is used has changed overtime. Culture can cut across, nationality and religions. It is what gives groups of people in our society their identity it also refers to the way groups live for example, shared customs, thoughts, arts, language, and social activity. Recognising and promoting the cultural diversity of individuals and groups within the school enrich learning and promote the knowledge and understanding of all pupils. Schools will have a policy in lace which stats how to ensure inclusive practice, including the additional support for pupils who need to improve their English. It is important that you can understand the cultural diversity of the pupils within the school and particularly those you are supporting. You will be able to help pupils to make sense of their learning by making connections to their own lives.

Your role may include providing pastoral support to individual children. Understanding and taking into account of their background and culture is essential for you to build effective relationships and provide support. The diverse cultures in society should be recognised and reflected throughout the curriculum for example, incorporating music, foods, stories, and drama from a range of cultures, will contribe to a rich curriculum. This will demonstrate that you are not only valuing the culture of groups but also supporting all pupils to explore and understand cultures which are different from their own .

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