Female Essays

Hong Kong and China have a conflicting history which created a complex relationship between the two. The cultural identity of Hong Kong is a mixed identity of Chinese and British traditions. Considering the history of Hong Kong, the cultural identity and dominant ideology in place are a product of the …
Kennedy, Aileen. “Mutilation and Beautification: Legal Responses to Genital Surgeries. ” Australian Feminist Studies, vol. 24, no. 60, June 2009, pp. 211-231. EBSCOhost, doi:10. 1080/08164640902852423. Aileen Kennedy is an author from University of New England, Australia. His main purpose of this article is to analysis the differential legal response to women …
In the world of feminist research, there is a diversity of issues that can be studied, many of which are sensitive topics. An issue I chose to focus my research on is female genital mutilation (FGM). I have found that more research needs to be conducted on FGM, and it …
Fertility refers to the natural capability of giving life. In more scientific terms, fertilization is the fusion of the male (sperm) and female (ova/egg) gametes in order to produce a new individual. Infertility, on the other hand, refers to the inability to conceive after 12 months of regular and unprotected. …
The Book of Margery Kempe is a book that speaks about a desperate need of the protagonist for chastity and complete obedience and devotion to God. This necessary endowment by Margery to God for such service comes through the enabling grace of the Holy Spirit and her burning desire to …
Mrigendranath Debsarma Nancy Goyal Nibha Gupta Nilotpal Goswami Ques 1:- Most Useful Parameters are Ques 1: ease to upload photos Ques 2: More photos if transfer easy Ques 7: Value sending photos by mail Ques 10: Easy set up Ques 11: First to adopt new technology Ques 13: Monthly fee …
“The Objectification of Women: Whose Fault is it?” Santi Derosa 1. The audience DeRosa has in mind would be the people who are using women in an objectified way such as college athletic departments. That use women as recruiters to have more male players willing to come to that school. …
Hitchcock’s _Rear Window_ has been both hailed and criticized for its portrayal of the male/female social dynamic. Many critics have elaborated on the protagonist’s fixation on male sexual dominance and his voyeurism. Many see the film as simply a way for the male cinema spectator to join the simulated spectacle …
The divisions of popularity in the world of girls are very clear. Rosalind Wiseman, author of Queen Bees and Wannabees and also Odd Girl Out, discusses two of these divisions. She labels the first group the “alpha” group; these are the girls that are considered “popular,” who wear the trendy …
I am very intrigued by Lepore’s article about feminism in the United States and how she shadows its evolution with the birth of Wonder Woman. The way Lepore provided an informed timeline of feminism in combination with the visual images of vintage Wonder Woman that vie seen so many times, …
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