Arranged Marriage Essays

A long time ago in a certain part of Kenya, only boys could go to school. I t was a taboo for girls to be educated. It was thought that girls should be married off to raise children. In fact, they were not allowed to go out of the house, …
Romantic love as a cultural script has been described vividly in the textbook as well as in the film ‘Monsoon Wedding.’ Various gendered messages that regard physical attractiveness as well as sexual desirability have also been clearly outlined in the textbook and are also quite evident in the video. The …
The movie “To Live” is a very heartfelt, emotional movie. The movie was set from the 1940’s to the 1960’s. This was during the Chinese Civil War and The Cultural Revolution. The movie is about a man’s life who is trying to do everything to get his life together, but …
Sometimes, sacrifice is more than just a part-time job. It can be a self-made life sentence, where escaping is not an option. In The Joy Luck Club, the vignette “The Red Candle” shows Lindo Jong’s struggles of balancing happiness and her role of being the perfect wife and daughter. Disobeying …
Stella Adler once quoted “The word theatre comes from the Greeks. It means the seeing place. It is the place people come to see the truth about life and the social situation (brainy quote).” Theatre is a form of art, and expression expressed through a play or some sort of …
The Joy Luck Club, a New York Times bestseller, had an array of stories all telling the struggles of Chinese-American life. The story starts off with the mention of the actual Joy Luck Club. Jing-Mei Woo, is asked by her father to take the place of her mother, Suyuan Woo, …
Though Mary Shelley was a modern woman for her time who came from an equally empowered mother, her portrayal of women is most contradictory. The female characters in Frankenstein are presented as biddable and passive which was a sign of the times. The voices of Frankenstein are male-dominated leaving no …
In the article “Because You’re A Girl” by Ijeoma A., she narrates her childhood in her native country, Nigeria, where she was raised by a set of rules and regulations described as the ‘Four Commandments’. These principles were created to define a woman’s responsibility to her family. Ijeoma grew up …
On 1 January 1818, Mary Shelley birthed her “hideous progeny” into the world. One of the enduring tales of modern literature, Frankenstein is the narrative of a scientist who creates monstrous life. Robbing both cemeteries and slaughterhouses in his single-minded, egoistic quest to circumvent the natural order. But, in doing …
Marriage is considered one of the best achievements in a person’s life. This is because, through marriage, there is hope that human life is still in continuity since procreation is likely to take place among the married couples. However, although marriage is a beautiful thing, it usually comes in two …
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