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Ancient Rome: Gladiatorial Games

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Promt: What are gladiatorial games tells us about Ancient Rome society? NON- SCIENCE FICTION: HUNGER GAMES OF REAL SOCIETY
Roman society which is a complex society remarkably emphasized on gladiatorial games. This popularity of gladiatorial exhibitions reveals some realities about ancient Roman society. One of these realities is that Romans was having good time while they were watching weaker creatures be dominated by stronger ones. This situation might have brought about expanding to the boundaries. “World civilizations “states that since, Rome was a military state which had achieved its huge empire by military violence (World civilizations p: 148). In fact, numbers of Roman soldiers died in Italy and other regions in countless battles. Additionally Roman soldiers did not kill only soldiers. They also killed the civilians. Use of power and violence to maintain order both inside and outside of the society are an crucial aspect of a state.( P. Crone, What Is a Complex Society). Whether there was not enough real battle, fake warfare would have to do for satisfaction of Roman citizens. In my personal point of view these fake warfare were gladiatorial exhibitions which clearly show us how much Romans did enjoy from the violence.

Additionally according to Jonathan Edmondson Dpt. of History, York University, Toronto, Canada, the Roman arena had functioned on one level as a exhibition of the hierarchy ( Public spectacles and Roman social relations, p:10). Senators, judicial authorities and other important officials received privileged, segregated seating. Followed by separate enclosures for soldiers and patricians –aristocrats-, behind of them, another one for the ordinary Romans .And also women were allowed in the Colosseum. However they had sat separately from the men (spartacus.school.net.co.uk).

The emperor had his own special lodge with a private stairwell that allowed him to go into just before the performance started. When he arrived the whole audience would usually give him a standing salvo. Surprisingly, when the emperor had done something undesirable, the crowd would give a whistle and sometimes even throw stuffs at him (Public spectacles and Roman social relations, p: 10). With considering this knowledge we can reach straightforward conclusions. First of all is that Ancient Rome was inequality-based community in terms of duties, genetics and genders and even when they were having fun it was visible. One of them is that the emperor was not absolute ruler; community could judge him by their reactions. Finally their military success was not only good luck.


-World Civilizations: The Global experience, Combined Volume -http://www.google.com.tr/books?hl=tr&lr=&id=clx_crun-VQC&oi=fnd&pg=PR7&dq=p+crone+what+is+complex+society+ancient+rome&ots=4pLGgeKH4h&sig=4AKpA9h7nlT8trD928AIyU6DW3E&redir_esc=y#v=snippet&q=gladiatoral&f=false -http://www.the-colosseum.net/around/Edmonson%20public%20spectacles.htm Edmondson J. Dpt. of History, York University, Toronto, Canada, Public spectacles and Roman social relations -http://www.yorku.ca/uhistory/faculty/cv/Edmondson/edmondson-ludi%20romani%202002.pdf -http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/ROMgames.htm

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