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Active and passive student

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Active and Passive Student

Comparison between active & passive learners (block method) All students cannot be the same. This is brought about by the nature of their genes, or because of the environment where they grow in. Friends and families can also greatly influence the nature of a student in learning. Teachers usually identify two distinct types of learners in their classes; active students and passive students. Teachers should be able to know the differences between the two groups of students, so that they can know how to deal with them in class, and how to help both groups succeed academically and in their personal lives as well. Both active and passive students are interested in passing because they would not want to get in trouble, and they would want to succeed in life .

An active student is usually willing to learn and actively participates in classroom activities. A passive student on the other hand is most likely to be absorbed in his or her own thoughts, without a lot of care for what is happening in class. In extreme cases, a passive learner might be unwilling to learn. An active learner is actively involved in class activities and participates in answering questions, discussions and competitions. This is because such a learner wants to be appreciated for his or her efforts. A passive learner is not actively involved in class activities. He or she is anti-social and will hesitate to express himself or herself in front many people.

An active learner will do their assignments, and probably hand in their assignments before the deadline while a passive learner will reluctantly do, and probably hand in their assignments a short while before the deadline or after the deadline for submission has passed (McWhorter, 2003). An active student usually seeks the attention and approval of their teachers and peers. A passive student will do as much as possible to avoid the attention of their teachers or peers.

The passive learner usually takes a backseat in most discussions or activities that they have to take part in. An active learner usually wants to lead others and is passionate and creative when it comes to their studies. A passive learner usually does enough at school to get by and he or she can be spotted as being lonely. An active learner is usually a self starter and usually reads ahead so as to get a better understanding of what they are being taught (Petty, 2004). A passive learner usually waits to be told what to cover and learn.

He or she would not take the initiative to learn on their own unless it is an assignment.In conclusion, active learners usually take the initiative to what they are supposed to do in order top learn new things and to pass in their exams while passive learners only do what is expected of them when they are asked. Most passive learners have to be pushed in order to participate in learning activities.

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