Psychoanalysis Essays

What makes us act on impulse? What as human makes us decide wrong from right? Sigmund Freud, a famous philosopher had studied people and found that humans have three parts to them. The Id, the ego and the superego, these three traits help us decide wrong from right. The Id …
ABSTRACT The present methods being utilized by teachers, counselors and administrators in dealing with cases of indiscipline and juvenile delinquency in our secondary schools have not been sufficient or effective for handling all delinquent behaviours in our schools, hence the high prevalence of indiscipline and delinquency issues. This paper is …
Henry James’ “The Turn of the Screw” has been the subject of a number of critical papers, lectures, scholarly articles, and debates. Such flow of analytical works is suggestive of the success of the story which has become Henry James’s most famous work. It is equally suggestive of the quality …
J.D. Salinger’s “The Catcher in the Rye” portrays a troubled teen in New York City. Over the few days the novel depicts, the boy displays his critical and unhealthy mindset. Eventually he has a mental breakdown. Through psychoanalysis of Holden Caulfield, one may suggest that Allie’s death, social development, and …
There has been a significant amount of research conducted on the topic of dream analysis by various theorists. Dreams are difficult to measure or scientifically test as they are part of our subconscious. This may be due to inaccurate recall, lack of clarity in the dreaming process itself, difficulties in …
1) Critically compare the key concepts of models/theories associated with childhood and adolescence (1.1) – Bowlby, Winnicott, Klein, Erikson. In the first part of my essay I will critically compare the key concepts of theories of Klein, Winnicott, Bowlby and Erikson associated with childhood and adolescence and also relate them …
The deeper meaning of “The Metamorphosis”, by Frank Kafka, can be interpreted in many ways depending on critical theory is used to examine it. From a feminist criticism, one can observe how Gregor’s dominance as a male diminishes after he becomes a bug as his sister’s strength and role in …
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