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World History Honors

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I. Do you believe the Bastille was stormed to set prisoners free, because it was a symbol of oppression, or was it the first step to overthrow the French Monarchy? II. What is the difference between a revolt and revolution? Explain. According to the English dictionary, a revolt is a way to break away from or rise against constituted authority, as by open rebellion. Meanwhile, a revoloution is a sudden, complete or marked change in something. III. Explain the significance of the date 1789. Create a timeline of important events of 1789 discussed in this section/chapter. IV. The French Revolution gave rise of the idea of a national holiday. In the United States, we have many holidays. “If you could add a national holiday commemorating an important person or national event, what would it be? How would it be celebrated?” I would create a National Students’ Memorial Days. It would be the day where school districts recognize those of their students who faced tragic deaths. Teenage deaths are increasing because of actions as minor as car safety or health care. But do we ever think about the loved ones that have to cope with the reality of that happening?

Teasr are falling and hearts are breaking. People in the community need to be in support, condolence, and respect for those families that have had to face the death of an adolescent relative. Students’ Memorial Days will be different because it would not be held on just one day. It would be held on the anniversary of the individual student’s death. For example, Darlington County School District has had 3 students die in just the year of 2012. We as a district, no matter which city you are zoned in, should reflect the memories of them. Like yesterday we supported the Moore-Rouse family as they coped with the death of senior defensive lineman, Ronald Rouse Jr. by wearing red. Ronald’s death was caused by an enlarged heart. At the homecoming game, Ronald collapsed on the field, given CPR, and was rushed to the hospital where he died at 8:45 p.m. We could have a day where we would wear blue in honor of rising junior, Bailey Eaddy, who passed away due to a car accident and an unfastened seatbelt. We would celebrate by taking a group photo of all who are in support and have a joint prayer circle.

V. Was the French Revolution caused more by economic issues or political grievances people had against the leadership of France.

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