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What drove the characters?

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“The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time” Essay “The curious incident of the dog in the night-time” by Mark Haddon is an authentic, witty and empathetic contemporary fiction novel. “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time” is a novel narrated by Christopher John Francis Boone who is a 15 year old boy who lives in Swindon England that has autism. In a special kind of way Christopher “writes” this book about him trying to find the murderer of Mrs.Shears, his neighbour’s dog wellington, which whom was murdered one night. In the process of his amateur investigation he finds out much more than the murder of wellington but family issues and secrets that cause him to be reunited with his “dead” mother and leave his “widowed” father. Mark Haddon in his story creates a very vivid and clear idea of what exactly each of his characters personalities and characteristics are but through situations afflicted upon certain characters, you can see the sudden drastic change in character by how they now act or in the decisions they make. It is seen how each character changes, making us readers underestimate each ability of each character.

Firstly, Christopher being already a mentally challenged teen, he takes many bold and brave moves. Secondly, Mr.Boone, being a single dad he makes some stupid decisions for his son Christopher. Lastly Mrs.Boone being a mother of Christopher, she makes some selfish decisions towards her family. The conflicts/ situations in the novel “the curious incident of the dog in the night-time” that happen to certain characters change characteristics in the character making them do things and make decisions they would not usually do, thus making their decisions train reaction on hurting many people when brought to the light. For the sake of their mentality they were pushed to the limits thus making them make decisions out of their comfort and common sense zone.

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