Thesis Objectives

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1.0 Introduction
Nowadays, students are not fond of going into the library since it is very time consuming to go in there, search for a book, and then know that the book has already been borrowed or the book they are looking for is not yet available in the library. This proposal aims to enhance our current Library System. Students can now check for and reserve available books for borrowing in the library without going there. This will save time for students instead of going into the library and search for the book they are looking for and then know that the book has already been borrowed.
Also, in this proposed system the student can check whether the library has that book they are looking for or not. Two computers will be placed in the lobby of the main building; this is in convenience for the College Students since most of their classes are being held there. These computers are connected in a server which is located in the library. 1.1 Background of the Study
Silay Institute, Inc. also Silay Institute and formally referred to by its acronym SI, is a private, co-educational institution of learning. The school, originally a high school, was established in 1925 after a group of concerned citizens had a survey conducted regarding the feasibility of opening such a school to serve the children of the locality, who after graduating from preliminary education, had no opportunities for acquiring secondary education. A local doctor, Dr. Luis Gamboa, initiated plans for establishing the school; he later became its first President.
Another local resident, Ramon Legaspi, secured the necessary government permits, drew up the first curriculum and procured instructional materials for the institution. In 1967, the school applied for authority to operate collegiate. In the year 2000, Silay Institute saw the need to further its service to the Silaynons and other young people from other municipalities, thus until now, continued to give quality Christian education that is relevant and accessible to all. 1.2 Statement of the Problem
The purpose of this study is to develop an Automated Library Book Reservation System through Barcode Scanning that will help the students of Silay Institute.
This study is specially aimed to answer the following questions:
1. Who will benefit from this system?
2. How will this process affect the students?
3. What is the benefit of this proposed system to the school?
1.3 Objective of the Study
1.3.1 General Objective
To develop an Automated Library Book Reservation System that will help the students and make the process of borrowing of books in the Library easy.
1.3.2 Specific Objective
To make borrowing of books in the Library easy.
To enhance the current Library system from manual to automated To create a system that will help students save time when borrowing a book from the Library. To advertise the use of the Library to the students.
1.4 Significance of the Study
Automated Library Book Reservation System will be beneficial to the following:
To the Students. The proposed system will help save their time and effort when borrowing a book from the Library.
To the School. The proposed system will make the school more advanced in technology, thus will increase its student population.
To the Researchers. This study will serve as basis for other systems, developers or programmers. It will be helpful to them when developing or conducting other researches for better output.
In materialization of this research, the researchers have utilized their potential and confidentiality in making an Automated Library Book Reservation System. 1.5 Scope and Limitation
1. This system will cover the process of borrowing a book in the Library. 2. This system will enhance the current Library system.
3. This system will help students in borrowing a book in the Library in terms of reducing the amount of time they are to spend in searching for books. 4. This system will help advertise the use of our Library to the students.
1. This system is limited only to the use of college students. 2. This system is for viewing and book reservation purposes only. Other information, like the content of the book is not provided by the system. 3. This system is strictly for enrolled college students of Silay Institute. Those who have their improved Library cards. Abstract
Students are not fond of borrowing books in the Library since it’s time consuming and we now have the internet that will make their research process efficient. The purpose of this thesis is to improve our current Library system that will attract the students to use the Library more often. This research also tackles our manual process when borrowing a book in the Library and improve it into an automated system.