The study of online bus reservation system

- Pages: 7
- Word count: 1620
- Category: Study Transportation
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This study would not been possible without the guidance and the help of several individuals who in one way or another contributed and extended their valuable assistance in the preparation and completion of this study. First and foremost, our most gratitude to Ms. Danah G. Aclao, our instructor for the insights she has shared for the development of this study, her unselfish and unfailing support. To our parents and guardians who are always supporting us in terms of finances and moral needs. Last but not the least, the one above all of us the omnipresent god, for answering our prayers, for giving us the strength to plod on despite our constitution of wanting to give up and throw in the towel, thank you so much dear lord. And those individuals whom we’ve asked favour in the fulfilment of this study… Thank you so much!
The objective was two-fold to ensure that the customers don’t have to leave the confines of their comfort to book a ticket, and to help get a ticker when they need it the most. The internet was being voted as medium people couldn’t do without. PC and net penetration was increasing not only in urban areas, but also in rural places. Also, people were getting used to booking tickets’ for travel using 2GO and private airline websites. So, why not buses? Online bus reservation system let the customers make reservation for the bus ticket via online, check bus availability, edit profile and the administrator can update, delete and view. Customers can buy ticket and make payment via online after they make reservation so that there is no need for them to go counter for payment. This System is develop using diagrams such as Data Flow Diagram (DFD), Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) and Use Case. The system flow, the processes of the system, the entities and the attributes of the database and the actors are being drawn to understand how the system works and the actors that interact within the system are. Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 will be used to achieve the project because of its flexibility and English-Like Syntax. Microsoft SQL Server/ XAMPP will be used as the Database Management System.
Online bus reservation system provides reservation transaction faster and there should not be any error in transaction like calculation and human error, bill generation and other things. It keeps of records of all bills also the information of the passengers. Giving to ensure 100% successful implementation of online bus reservation system. Online bus reservation system provides bus transportation system, a facility to reserved seats and different types of enquiry which need an instant and quick reservation. This system can be used by the user in performing online reservation via internet access. This application comes with the ability to approve the reservation by sending email automatically. Users can use this program directly on their websites and no more installing.
Internet has transformed the way look at life. From emails to chats, from manual business networking to e-commerce. Internet has altered the way business is steered globally. Among the many other things, standing in a queue to pay bills or buy travel tickets is the toughest.
Online bus reservation is made to make ticket reservation easier. This system has 3 modules. The Administrator, Employee and the User module. The first module is Administrator it has a connection to the employee that manages the reservation. The Administrator can add employee and at the same time can view the routes of the buses. The employee module has the access on routes of the buses and can add routes and buses, also can add driver and conductor. Driver and conductor have a code that can be use by their relatives and families to have the no payment policy. The Employee also can view who are reserve in a certain bus, and also can update data’s. The last module for the user, the user module can reserve and view the available trip’s, the first step to access the user module is to register for and account so that any time he can access it and can reserve a trip any time. In reservation process user can input the code for the driver or conductor if he/she is related to them. In payment of process have 2 types by credit card and GCASH. In credit card you must have a credit card to fill up the form for full reservation process while GCASH payment via phone and some information’s added.
Online bus reservation system is the easier way of issuing a ticket and having a faster travel because of fast and efficient way of reservation.
With the existing processes of the bus companies in terms of bus ticket, numerous inefficiencies and problems can be recognized. First it would be costly for the customers to go to the bus terminal just to buy and get a ticket. Second, it would be time consuming for the customers to fall in line just to get a ticket considering the peak seasons like November, December, January, summer and other holidays.
With the help of this online bus reservation system, the customer can reserve a ticket anywhere and anytime. This provides the comfort that the customer doesn’t have to stand in the long queue for the whole day. Moreover, this will also assist the customer to reserve a ticket in case of emergency.
Online bus reservation system is made to have a reliable bus reservation. And making the travel faster, this provides the security of passenger in a certain bus. All the data’s is secured in a database.
This study has its primary objectives, the design of systems that will immense benefit to the users, and for any operators of all categories in travelling bus. Develop a cost effective, efficient in intelligent and user friendly graphic interface for bus reservation system. Reduce the timely and accurate report of buss delay and other road mishaps. To enable customer to check the availability of the bus ticket online. Customers can check the time departure for every transnational’s bus through the system. To ease the bus ticket payment by online. Customer has to pay the bus ticket by credit card and GCASH. To minimize the number of staff box. The number of staff at the counter can be reducing after the online buying bus ticket system launch.
Online bus reservation system is an easy-to-use self-service system which enables the customer buys bus ticket online and pays the bus ticket through credit card and GCASH. Customers can register as a member. Customer has to check the availability of the bus ticket before they buy the bus ticket. After process buys bus ticket is successfully, the customer can get the bus ticket by print out the ticket and give the bus ticket to the bus conductor and for authentication user must have a valid ID for the confirmation of the registered passengers. In one registered account can reserve as many as he/she can, but must be fill up the required information for the registered passenger? The Customer can sit anywhere he /she want to sit as long as the bus number or name is match to his/her ticket. And also match to copy of passengers registered in the bus issued by the employee. Online bus reservation system will be developing by using Dreamweaver CS5 for coding and PHP file for web and databases. Platform for this system is Microsoft windows 7.
As mentioned in the previous section, the online bus reservation system is new in society. It is very important to the company’s customer, Bus Company and all. It is important to customer because customer can check availability of the bus ticket, buy bus ticket and pay the bus ticket online. E ticket is different with traditional paper ticket because E-ticket is safer faster reliable and cheaper besides that this concept can be used by others Bus Company so that their customers will be easier. The profit for the bus company will be increase because the online system will attract more customers and no need to hire many staffs at the counter to sell bus ticket because ticket can be sold efficiency online.
This section discusses about the research that have been done for this courseware. The research includes the entire information that is related on the system proposed which focused on the research of e-management is including about the member profile, the finance or others, present some e-management system can found it in internet. For example, e-banking, e-business, e-booking are still in upgrade to be a best and user-friendly system. Nowadays, a lot of people are busy with their work. Most of the time they use is in front the computer. Computer is a most important thing in our life. Internet is one of the parts too. Every house they will have internet because it will be more easy for them to do some research, e-payment, e-banking, e-shop or any online booking to do a ticket reservation or a accommodation reservation. With wide use of internet, a lot of online shopping, online business, and online booking website are developing to case the user to do their work, user just need to use few fingers click the can buy all the things their need to. Wish this few fingers click user not need to queue up for a long time to pay for the goods at the cashier.