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The short story Mr. and Mrs. Baby

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Mr. and Mrs. Baby is a short story that follows the repetitive life of Bob Baby and his wife Babe Baby, Mr. and Mrs. Baby are vague characters living an extremely hollow life in the hazy place of modern existence. Mr. and Mrs Baby lead a repetitious life wake up, trek through the morning, skip lunch, try to converse go to ā€œa partyā€, fall asleep, then repeat the process the next day. Thatā€™s how Mr. and Mrs. Baby spend their life. There is little to no conflict whether it is external or internal in this short story.

Mr. and Mrs. Baby have been bought with petty things in the various forms they take today. For example, TVā€™s, devices, entertainment and other distractions. Mr. and Mrs. Baby live in an unnecessary world, they depend on something bigger than themselves, to care for them. They are hapless and empty of emotion, they live only to continue their lives through the boredom of routine.

They are set in California, in a nameless place. The physical descriptions of Mr. and Mrs. Baby lacks depth, both of them are compared to a famous movie star from the twenties, so to say Mr. and Mrs. Baby are completely missing any special characteristics. The maker, the maker is a short film directed by Christopher Kezelos of the company Zealous Creative. The film is set in a fantasy world, the main character is a rabbit like creature who is competing in a race against time to make a companion to hand over his knowledge to and to spend time with who will then resume the circular way of their repetitious life when heā€™s gone. Though the trailer describes the story in different but similar words, it says:

ā€œA strange creature races against time to make the most important and beautiful creature of his lifeā€ The maker uses many technical concepts. The maker also portrays a lot of emotion without using any words at all, most of the emotion is shown through the actions the maker takes and the non-diegetic sound. The director says: ā€œThe Maker explores the preciousness of our moments on earth, the short time we have with loved ones and the enjoyment of ones lifeā€™s work and purpose.

In their fleeting existence our characters experience joy, love, hard work, purpose, loss and loneliness. As the tagline suggests, ā€˜life is what you make itā€™ and we are all makers in this worldā€. The maker shows many film techniques. Some techniques that are used are; foreshadowing, over the shoulder shots and close ups. Foreshadowing, is a warning or indication of (a future event), the film uses this technique by every so often looking back at the sand timer as shown in all snippets of the film shown.

An Over the shoulder shot, when used in film is a shot that gives us a character’s point of view but that includes part of that character’s shoulder or the side of the head in the shot, most commonly used for conversations. This technique is constantly used when the maker is creating the next maker as part of him is seen and the rest of the screen is looking at the book, face of his creation or fabric. Close ups are a type of shot, which tightly frames a person or an object. Close ups are commonly used to show emotion, and the maker uses close up to do just that show emotion; happiness, confusion, sadness.

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