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The Battle of Mactan

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A pleasant morning to all of you tourists! I am Dan Kenneth Abellar, you can call me ‘Ken’ for short.I am studying at Colegio de San Antonio de Padua taking up Bachelor of Science in Travel Management. I am your tourguide for today and I’ll be explaining to all of you a brief history about how the Battle of Mactan started. HISTORY:

It was on April 7,1521 when the three remaining galleons under the command of Fernando de Magallanes dropped anchor in Sawang (now Suburban San Nicolas, Cebu) to stay in the port for 20 historic days, the longest stop over in the navigator’s epic voyage that started in Spain on 1519. With a characteristic display of supremacy, Magellan did not only subjugate the native chieftain of Sugbu, Rajah Humabon, but befriended the entire community leading to their conversion to Christianity by having the royal couple baptized and gifted with a small icon of the Holy Child or Sto. Niño. At that time, there was a bad blood between Humabon and Lapu-Lapu hence, the former saw an opportunity to conquer his hated rival with the aid of superior arms. Hearing about the stubbornness of Lapu-Lapu, Magellan lost no time to send a messenger bearing threats and boastful taunts, declaring that defiance would mean death.

The conditions imposed among others were to swear allegiance to Spain, payment of tribute to the King, abandonment of pagan beliefs and acceptance of a new faith. Failure to comply will be answered by sword and fire. It was said that in defying the treats of Magellan and in being made to choose between servitude and extinction, Lapu-Lapu return the message with extreme pride saying: “I bow to no King, I only owe allegiance to my people”. Thus was triggered the Battle of Mactan on April 27, 1521. Magellan was vanquished but the faith of Lapu-Lapu afterwards was not exactly known while the remaining crew of the expedition returned to Spain with Juan Sebastian Elcano receiving a hero’s welcome and earning the title as the first circumnavigator of the world.

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